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How to tunnel IP between different server
in Help
I have dedicated 1 with 61 IP, and dedicated 2 on wholesaleinternet large spec with no IPs.
How can I make IP's from dedicated 1 can be used on dedicated 2? Tried but do not want 192.168 type IP on network interface looking to show network interface using IP's from dedicated 1 Thx!
With GRE can only tunnel NAT internal IP?
Technically it can only really nat internal ips. What you want more over is a network bridge.
I'm slightly confused on what that SE question had to do with your answer.
@dailymc it has an example of how it is done, and a little over view of the steps.
I have looked around in the past and found very little in regards to guides for it.
I've done this before by bridging an OpenVPN TAP interface with eth0 on one end, then assigning a public IP from eth0's subnet on the first server. It's not as simple as that, but I forgot exactly what was used....
I've a softether VPN script that should help you do this, let me know if you are interested, I'll post it in. It basically works as what @linuxthefish stated ...
OpenVPN tap tunnel should also with as a layer 2 tunnel, then you bond it at one and and it's like both servers are on the same switch!
Here's the Softether script that should do that:
Depends on how your IP's are presented to your server that has them, if it's a routed block then yes it should be possible to forward one to the other server without resorting to NAT but you will need some kind of VPN tunnel in place.
Thank u this works?
If I understand what you are trying to do, yes, this is definitely possible. Even though you have private IPs on dedicated #2, they will never appear to the outside world. As noted by others, there is NAT involved but the external IP will still show as one of the 61 public IPs. I currently do something very similar on a smaller scale using an IPSEC VPN connection underneath GRE.
Here's the technique I would use in your situation. I personally would install Shorewall on both servers (makes IPtables much easier to use).
Note that the private IPS are routed through the GRE tunnel so they are only NAT'd once (as they leave dedicated #1). Also note that all traffic to/from the virtual machines has the added latency from the GRE tunnel. The other catch is that all of the VPS traffic is being handled by dedicated #1 so it counts against the bandwidth quota of both servers (and essentially counts twice against the quota of dedicated #1).
@deepreflect my script should work, if it is not, let me know, I'll try to assist.
@goinsnj2010 your solution is layer 3 IP forwarding solution (using tun device), you can try mine, it is layer 2 transparent bridging (no private IP space involved, using tap device), it is a little bit more packet overhead, but you have a full IP capabilities in client side (including broadcast).