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How can I setup large vm in dedicated server?
Im going to purchase a server with /29 IPs. The server is "Dual Intel Xeon 5420" and 16GB ram, 2TB Harddrive.
I want to install a large vm on the server. Because I want to run cPanel VPS License on it to minimize my license cost. Can someone please provide me some guideline how can I install VPS Environment on the server? Step by Step please.
just install proxmox or something and make a VM. also that CPU is quite weak.
Do I need to purchase License for that software to create large vm?
No, Proxmox is free the only charge is for support
No. You can use it freely and will only have to live with a popup after logging into the admin area. And even that could be turned off.
For everything else, see above what @GM2015 linked to.
How? One blog post I've found broke javascript rendering on my instance.
I unfortunately have no proxmox installation running at the moment, but I remember that the various instructions found by searching google using "how to turn off proxmox license message" worked fine for me without breaking anything. It's well possible that this has changed with the most current versions of proxmox...
You don't notice the popup after awhile unless the OCD is too much
Would he lose a lot of performance due to running Cpanel from his very large VM?
It's just annoying if you have no intention to pay while you're learning the software and/or don't need paid support yet.
Damn, 5420 is very old CPU. It is not better to look around for any E3 model?
If I install paid solusvm for 1 month, then dont pay for the license, I cant manage the vps with ssh? Or, Have to pay for the license regularly?
Just install Proxmox. Don't go through all that trouble. If you can install Windows, you can use the installer ISO if you don't want to use the manual install directions.
I have followed all steps. But I cant visit :
echo "deb jessie pve-no-subscription" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-install-repo.list
deb [arch=amd64] jessie pve-no-subscription
wget -O- "" | apt-key add -
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install proxmox-ve ntp ssh postfix ksm-control-daemon open-iscsi
root@debian:~# apt-get install proxmox-ve ntp ssh postfix ksm-control-daemon open-iscsi Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
ntp is already the newest version.
open-iscsi is already the newest version.
ssh is already the newest version.
postfix is already the newest version.
ksm-control-daemon is already the newest version.
proxmox-ve is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Still I cant browse
Did I miss anything?
Did you reboot and boot into the the new kernel? If you did you are going to manually start /etc/init.d/pve* dameons
5420 are still a very capable cpu. Not everything has to be a damn e3.
Could be a X series or even E5 still dont change the fact it's a crap CPU
@tarzz92 I knew you were coming! Well for performance side yes the e-3 is a very capable cpu. Shit in this guys case those l5420 is just fine.
It's https
Read what i said.
Thanks, it just made my day. I can login through https://
I never operate vm before, so I was seeking for help. Thanks to LET users to help me out.
Im currently downloading centos 6.7 64bit DVD1 to /var/lib/vz/template/iso/, then going to create a vm.
I have a question. Since I only have 1 IP on the server, can I still use that IP to create VM? Or, I have to purchase extra IPs?
Did you get a /29 with the server?
No /32. Single IP.
Well either get a /29 or you are going to have to run a NAT setup
Edit: You can also get another /32 also.
If your provider requires virtual MACs, don't forget to set it in their client area (like OVH) when you do your manually install for a KVM VPS. There was a post yesterday about it.
I have just go with NAT setup. Now how can I login to the VM and install cPanel on it?
My IP:
Now to setup cPanel on this created VM, where I have to go or, login from where?
Edit: Google is really your friend!
Can some one please delete my server IPs which I have posted on here? I have purchased the server few hours back, even does not install anything, but the provider just informed me I was getting 60Mbit ddos attack on my IP. And they null route the IP!