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OpenVZ networking issue, network do not work either on new OStemplates or old OStemplates
please is there any person experienced managing OpenVZ host server?
I found an issue where new OS templates like Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 7
networking do not works after VPS setup.
I tried to update vzctl (my new one is v.4.9.4) and it added these new lines into global vz.conf
(here is the openvz readme for these variables)
and it indeed made networking for new OS templates working automatically after VPS create, BUT
old OS templates like CentOS 6 networking stopped working when new VPS is created.
When i comment out above lines in vz.conf, old templates networking start working but new stop working.
Please kindly can you advice method to make working both automatically?
I got this kernel: 2.6.32-042stab093.5 and vzctl version 4.9.4
Thank you alot
Just buy a managed vps and chill. You are not for server.
Update your kernel. It doesn't support Systemd which then breaks the network on the new OSs
you other topic about relatime i told you you may be use old tools and now you prove it
please update to the latest openvz kernel to get more new feature supported as your current kernel is too old for systemd support
Thanks for advices, I will try to update to latest ovz kernel then. Tried to do cat /etc/grub.conf and yum update kernel*
the result:
but im unsure if that is what is needed to update it?
I googled but cant find any tutorial for ovz kernel update. Isnt there any method to fall-back to previous kernel if there is any issue?
Openvz kernel is called vzkernel
why not update whole?
thanks alot, yum update vzkernel worked. Newly installed kernel was added into /etc/grub.conf into first position and i have default=0 so i assume it will be used at next boot. Hopefully without issues :-/
after i did "yum update vzkernel" it appears that no matter how i comment/uncomment
in vz.conf, newly created VPSs (old and new OSes) networking do not works. (pingable from host node, but not from the internet or from within itself).
I did not rebooted host server yet and now im afraid to.
Tried command to undo vzkernel update: "yum history undo 33"
---> Package vzkernel.x86_64 0:2.6.32-042stab113.11 will be erased
which im unsure if is proper, as i need just redo update?
Please any advice what to check? Thank you
You haven't thought of a simple thing called "dependencies"???
What the fuck are you doing?
You are not skilled enough to be running your own VPS node, and since you are using SolusVM -- you are obviously trying to pretend you can be another dedicated server leaser who throws up a website and is now a "hosting provider".
Run a full system update - you badly fucking need it.
yum update -y
I found you to be more charming while you were still on Cocaine. That Crystal Meth renders you utterly aggressive. But there is quite some truth hiding within your spitted vomit.
@postcd NAT'd containers? Try on host node...
@all PROBLEM SOLVED, thank you for helping, i discovered that the network issue was cause by the bad IP. Once i added this bad IP to the exclude list, other IPs started being used and networking works fine for new VPSs.
vzctl version 4.9.4
vzkernel is newest (vzkernel.x86_64 0:2.6.32-042stab113.11), but i not updated anything else, only it Installed this dependency: (kernel-firmware.noarch 0:2.6.32-573.12.1.el6)
yum update do not show any update from soluslabs/openvz repos. Can i anyhow discover whether im required to update any other package in order for the newly yum updated vzkernel (stab113) work properly?
in /etc/vz/vz.conf i have commented out following 2 lines (to have # before it)
CentOS7 networking works (NEW OS)
Ubuntu 10.04 networking works (OLD OS)