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How about other source?
Yeah, I'd have to say eBay as well, unless Portugal has its own sort of eBay.
What's your idea of reasonable shipping, though? And how cheap to these servers need to be? What kind of hardware?
The best deals on used hardware are on ebay, from UK or German based sellers. You are in Europe: don't buy Dell hardware from USA if you need the original Dell support, because Dell server hardware is region-locked and SLA terms are different. The actual hardware is the same, so there is no issue if you service it yourself.
For IBM/Lenovo hardware we sometimes buy from ; it seems to be the biggest Lenovo broker in Europe. Good prices and communications; fast delivery and no problem at all to ship on most European countries. The real discounts are for resellers and medium/big customers only; do not contact them if you need a single server or Thinlpad because ebay will be cheaper. They send me the stock list every 15 days and I saw good prices on Thinkpads with scandinavian keyboard, lately. They have an agreement with Lenovo for the reThink hardware, it will be covered by the full Lenovo warranty.
Hi folks,
I have read and took all comments into consideration. Will investigate further!
E3/E5, shipping cost 50—70 Euros.
Hope op does not care I post in his thread about something a tad different, but how about providers in European countries with cheap power and bw for colo ?
Netherlands ?
Could be a choice if there is free incoming and cheap power . no need to hoard ipv4s
pfff , for this price i can move you in all europe what you want
Sounds good... We should chat then!
really if you need help somethime i have a bussiness wich is dedicated to dellivery in all europe