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I just got new vps.
with 256 MB RAM, 1 CPU cores,
I have some test script, which is run by cron, so every minute i get 60-70 request.
But after few minutes the Memory got full, and server is not responding.
i have modify httpd.conf and mysql config.
but still same issues.
will some one please help
To fix:
step 1) remove Apache
EDIT: Radhika est stupide et ne comprend pas comment avoir un CRON à chaque seconde va lui affecter...
Apache removal is not the solution.
Then get more RAM
Possibly. Every time I've seen a customer run a cron like that it's been to a script that does more under the hood than they think it does, and they end up stacking the processes together because the cron executes more rapidly than the process finishes.
If that's the case, no amount of configuration will save you. Don't run a cron that executes that frequently unless you know for a fact that it can finish processing in less than the time it takes for the next run 100% of the time, or that you can handle it stacking.
post your Mysql conf file that may help us help u
Use nginx or hiawatha instead apache. If still want to use apache, reduce maxclients. Also disable innodb in mysql.
Are you willing to upgrade your resources? After all, you're trying to run 60-70 clients/minute on a highly unoptimized server with a quarter of a gigabyte of RAM.
i have already disabled innodb.
Or create some type of lock file so subsequent executions know the preceding job isn't done and can abort themselves.
You must likely are running out of memory. Check /var/log/syslog for OOM errors.
If that is the case my suggestion is to increase you memory allocation.
Or you could try replacing apache with nginx.
I got one professional help, they have charged me @ 10 USD.
It works.
BEFORE usage goes down to 100 MB and cpu core usages is also low.
please some one tell how can i see which files they modified?
so i can share the tweaked modified file with this community.?
Why not ask him instead?
Why? You could have downloaded more ram instead:
You can do this with flock.
Wow. So you don't know what a 3rd party has modified in the server ? Good security approach.