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service/app to share music

Hello Gents,
Im looking for a piece of software or a service that i can use with a few friends.
What I'm looking for is a service or software (that can run on my vps/dedi) to upload, listen and download musicfiles. important is that i can also create some sort of playlist (or folders)
Also it should not be public (ofc) so a form of login will be nice.
Now i found stuff like owncloud, together with a music plugin, but im not really happy with that.
as service i found, but payed so meh..
Any other pieces of software that im not aware of please let me know!
Im looking for something like the owncloud solution, but then more made towards the music part..
The VOX music app (for Mac) has such a service, called Loop:
Not sure if they fully fufills your needs.
$9.99/monthly - $99.99/yearly
Anyway, the VOX app is really polished, love it.
CherryMusic or Madsonic might have what you need
I'd recommend Subsonic or one of its forks like Madsonic mentioned by @thagoat
Just installed madsonic, and yes, this is what i was looking for, it doesnt look that pretty, but it seems to work just fine on my 3€ dedi...
+1 for madsonic and subsonic, cherrymusic as well. I used madsonic until I found this and can say it looks and works very nice. the miranda kerr vs the ol' betsy madsonic
Koel -
Does it have an easy way of uploading, like madsonic has? cus it does look alot better :P
Also, i havent a way to upload/download in subsonic, did i just miss this? or is it not possible...
Same upload/download question goes for Koel, which also looks cool...
@Tripleflix I never took the leap and installed it, but you could use htaccess to password protect it.
There is an upload icon in the mess of icons at the top, but unless you put your music in the defualt madosnic directory, it won't do much for you. Uploading is best hadled via FTP/SFTP (SSH) with a client like Filezilla
setup syncthing or /btsync to upload and update music folder. You could also use owncloud, which has browser-based uploading and works with anything that can play nice with ampache
koel is very nice too, I believe its focus is as a local network player vs a remote player.
Koel wouldn't read id3 tags and the songs were out of order in their albums. Also koel makes you setup a cron job to update your library. Kinda clunky, and yes some command line trickery is involved to get it to accept connections from the web. The interface is gorgeous, but the UI is not very user friendly.
Although +1 for sync apps.
I installed SABnzbd and transmission-cli on my VPS and use those to load my music folder. I also like that Madsonic has a built-in id3 tag editor, and podcast support. And if you have F-Droid installed on your Android, Dsub is a free app that interfaces with Madsonic so you can stream our music/podcasts to your phone.
I will use jamstash on desktop(its browser based and is usually bundled with sub/madsonic), tomahawk player is my preferred way of using mad or subsonic on android.Add headphones oon yr vps and go to town now that rutracker is in a possibly infinite state of unfuckwithable-ness, Just keep headphones out of your nzb setup unless you run your own nzbmegasearch or nzbhydra.
+1 for hydra. BAMF right there. Never could get headphones to work.
I found this recently on GitHub:
Looks interesting. I really dig node. I'll give that a spin later.