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our logo with the statement HA Cloud VPS
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starting at $5.95
where can i submit my design ? has many, many, many people who can do this for you too. I've had good luck with fiverr, some other people on here have not.
@sprabowo [email protected]
@Damian Would rather support LET folks!
If you don't find any reasonable entries, I would highly recommend Banner Square. We use them for our current banners, animated and easily worth the $5
Promo $4.99 for any size: (WHT)
thanks patrick, If I don't get much response here I will probably use them.
Thanks for that fiverr site, I can really use some of those people there!
So are you specifically giving the work to someone, or just waiting for entrants and paying for the one you like most?
Well I already got one from @sprabowo that I am buying, Probably take 1 or 2 more if I like them.
Fair enough. As much as it'd probably only take a couple of minutes to knock one up, if you've already bought one then I'll hold fire.
In future, if you want basic photoshoppery like this done then I'd be happy to knock them up for account credit with you, so drop me a PM.
good to know @Nekki pm me with your email. I need a 468x60 now. And you up
@Liam close this thread please!
@24khost i just have sent to you. cek email. you need 468x60 ?
Don't know whether you are still in need or not but, yet see this:-
I created one too. Awe.
@sprabowo sorry I thought it was you I bought from. Already filled it. And since one of my clients is going to do some work for me, don't need anyhting else
@MikeIn sorry!
@wrox sorry!
@24khost I'm a customer of yours too. I could take account credit if you're gonna use my gif sometime. Just a thought.
@wrox will keep you in mind if I need something else.
Oops, I'm too late
@Wunderbar That's pretty good, wrong size though :P
@AsadHaider: Thanks, he mentioned he needed a 468x60 one as well:
@Wunderbar Oh haha sorry, but yeah I really like yours. It's the best one posted out of all of them @24khost
There is one being made right now that is in my opinion better.