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Looking for Reliable VPS
Im looking for a reliable VPS to replace the myRsk vps i had (they recently closed down the service).
1-2gb ram
10ish GB HDD (SSD please)
1x ipv4
Bandwidth: i dont know, i dont really need much, what ever default you offer should be fine
Production ready and reliable web server. Will be used for a production web server to host some wordpress or other php sites.
The provider must be reputable and on a good/top list of LET recommended providers.
Happy to pay yearly for cheaper price etc.
Ramnode. You wont be sorry.
+1 for Ramnode.
already have a ramnode production server, and its great. Just looking for a second that is possibly a bit cheaper and a from a different provider for little bit of a fallback if anything happens (prefer to not loose all my production servers at once due to a hiccup).
saying that, are theer any ramnode discounts? or is the lowest i can get what is displayed on their site? Just checking.
Feel free to checkout some packages we offer if you feel were worthy enough to host your production.
Can check my signature, thanks in advance.
You may check our last LEB offer
Just our servers are HDD
they are all OVZ.
Had a quick look, i will have to look you guys up a bit better before deciding (sorry, im not too familiar with the providers these days). I really dont want to get caught buying a service from a provider who closes down in the near future or had issues (no offence, just had bad experiance in the past). Saying that, do you have yearly offers of LET specials for 1GB KVM on that list (you only have a monthly price there)?
Sorry, after doing a bit of a search, i have to decline sorry. You guys are a bit too new and i saw too many red flags with a simple search here. Maybe a year or two down the line when you get a bit more reputation here
looking for ramnode alternative too, with large disk same as ramnode that possibly a bit cheaper.
You can take a look to our KVM offers at
If you absolutely need SSD, drop me a PM, I may have a proposition for you
I can provide you 1GB Ram , 30GB SSD Space , 1xCPU , 1TB BW , Location : Netherlands . Price : $5/m .
@decay way you have not move your vps to ?
Check our unmetered KVM plans:,
Subscribe with us and get amazing offer on vps hosting.
Hello Decay,
Do you have any server location preference? And @ru_tld provides additional 10% year OFF.
And take a look at the last Top Provider Poll Winners.
Do you need a KVM VPS, is Xen one acceptable too? US only?
As for MyRSK, that's just a rebranding I guess
Not really, but US west coast would be ideal. but any central/common locations would be considered.
No problem hopefully you find the right solution.
@decay Thank you for the additional information. Here are my custom offers that might interest you:
Chicago, USA location (KVM) VPS - 2 CPU Cores, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD (SSD cached), 1000 GB bandwidth, 1 IPv4 + DDoS protection - $180/year ($15/mo).
Chicago, USA location (OpenVZ) VPS - 2 CPU Cores, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD (SSD cached), 1000 GB bandwidth, 1 IPv4 + DDoS protection - $120/year ($10/mo). || For 1 CPU core, 1 GB RAM - $48/year ($4.00/mo).
Los Angeles, USA location (OpenVZ) VPS - 2 CPU Cores, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD (SSD cached), 1000 GB bandwidth, 1 IPv4 + DDoS protection - $120/year ($10/mo). || For 1 CPU core, 1 GB RAM - $48/year ($4.00/mo).
Our company is based in UK and we are in the hosting business since 2008. We offer VPS hosting services in US, Germany, Brazil and South Africa (
Let me know your thoughts about my offers.
Coupon is also good for KVM, 1gb 25gb ssd cached disk and 1tb traffic, 2 core $15/mo without coupon
What's your budget? We have some 1GB yearlies at and
We should be able to suit your needs, but not on SSD, instead we are using high-performance Hitachi drives on H/W RAID 10 array.
Please check our offers above.
+1 for XhostFire.
Old and Reputable provider.
Leaseweb has KVM vpses $4.95 for 1core/1GB/40GB Disk/4TB Bandwidth - they have an awesome network and solid performance/uptime.
I would recommend
Even though it is XEN based but at least for me the difference between XEN and KVM is negligible.
They have good network connection, solid servers and responsive support.
And it is no "one man show" company, which (for me) is important for productive systems.