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While loop + sleep. Why do you need to do this?
Here you go:
while true ; do sleep 3600 ; echo "starting firefox" ; firefox ; done
It's crude and only opens firefox every 3,600 seconds. You can add 'killall firefox' if you want to do housecleaning and get rid of existing instances before starting a new one. That would look something like this:
while true ; do sleep 3600 ; echo "killing existing firefox instances" ; killall firefox ; echo "starting firefox" ; firefox ; done
I haven't really tested this but let me know if it works as intended.
Since you just edited.. If you need ~ 3600sec, you can also use cron? Run hourly and done.
thanks but how its works? i never use Linux... i edit my post... i need it to run imacro.
i edit my post, i need it to run imacro when its open firefox...
can you tell me how its works?
for example on windows i do that do open and close firefox + run imacro:
1. create fill (Notepad) and write that:
@echo off
taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe
taskkill /F /IM crashreporter.exe
ping -n 1 -w 4000 > nul
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -p firefox imacros://run/?m=XXXXX.iim
ping -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
ping -n 1 -w 1200000 > nul
goto loop
how its works on linux?
Ot is obviously why he needs it
Sadly I'm not familiar with iMacro or how Windows scripts work, so I can't even confidently guess. Hopefully somebody else can help you out there!
Use crontab, something like:
You'd probably need to set DISPLAY to launch firefox.
Why do I suspect the OP is engineering some sort of crappy ad-revenue-traffic-generating lameness...
That's what I thought too.