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Yearly webhosting with DDOS protection + DMCA 'ignored'
Hello guys,
This might be a difficult one since I want to run a small but growing website (currently getting 1k daily views) on a small budget, but I hope to get lucky!
What I'm looking for is a web hosting plan with the following
1GB of Disk
+2TB of Bandwidth
DDOS Protected - It doesn't need to be a badass protection, but my current host doesn't have any kind of protection so I get null routed when a small attack kicks in.
DMCA Ignored - Even tho I DON'T host anything on my website (I just link it) not even images (all external) I might get DMCA Trolls (fake takedowns).
My current budget is small, really small, around 10€ (15€ tops!).
Is there any offers like this out there?
I hope this isn't a long shot in the dark.
Let me know, thank you!
Go back to hackforums do not make LET stinky.
DMCA 'ignored' ? - it's against the US law.
only offshore vps can offer this.
Any host can and should ignore bad DMCA notices. You'd be surprised at some of the junk people try to pass as a DMCA.
So if you're not hosting anything you don't have rights to, they don't have to ignore DMCA, they just need to be a competent host
What do you mean?
This is why I'm trying my luck here, maybe (just maybe) someone might have a offer for me
I had a hosting in US (for other project) and it took my website down at the first DMCA report they got, I had to wait 1 week so they could check the said report and in the end they told me it was fake. But I did moved to a DMCA friendly host in the US, no problems since then.
What is the DMCA?
It is a U.S. copyright law. It addresses the rights and obligations of owners of copyrighted material who believe their rights under U.S. copyright law have been infringed, particularly but not limited to, on the Internet. DMCA also addresses the rights and obligations of OSP / ISP (Internet Service Providers) on whose servers or networks the infringing material may be found.
Unfortunately people submit DMCA for just about anything these days. Only a portion of them typically have anything to do with an actual copyright claim.
I once saw someone submit a DMCA for child porn. There was no child porn, but if there was who in the world would claim copyright of that? Lol
For more information you can visit: :-)
Yes, DMCA is a US law, but many European hosts will ask us to takedown the said content or they'll cancel/suspend the account, this is why I'm trying to avoid those companies, and some LET members might have something to share.
Ahah, thanks I needed that laugh!
Which is perfectly reasonable, notwithstanding the fact that the DMCA only protects ISPs in the U.S.
So are you aiding copyright infringement by "linking" to the content?
Just use OVH webhosting, they are too busy doing anything to take down anyone for DMCA.
I think hosting in Canada will solve your problem. We have a notice and notice system. The primitive US system of taking everything down based on a mere accusation from anybody and his dog has not existed here since 2005.
I got a VPS with which advertises that they turn a blind eye towards DMCA. Search the forums for a recent offer of theirs
If you need DDoS protection, get an OVH VPS or their hosting.
Which is what they are legally obliged to do if there is a reasonable suspicion of the report being truthful. In most of Europe, there are no requirements as to the format of an abuse notice, which means that a DMCA notice will automatically also be valid. It is just considered like every other generic abuse notice.
Not sure they can really do it, legally speaking. But I guess ecatel did ignore DMCA too (and probably still does) and they are still in business, PrivateLayer too...
Seriously, that's not how it works in Canada. We have a different law. I think most of the posters here are from the US and they have a different view. Notice and notice is a different way of doing it. They will not take down your website as a first response. If you are not hosting infringing content and want to be safe from DMCA, then Canada is the place to be.
I don't think it's useful to make generalisations about countries. The state of the law is one thing, and the ways VPS providers or datacentres apply their ToS and AUP in response to abuse reports in various forms is another.
Haha, don't bet on it.
Your budget is much too low (as you have already recognised yourself) for hosting that required decent DDoS protection. If you increase your budget 2 or 3 times, then some reasonable offers from be provided from me or the general public.
With this budget, you are limited to businesses that use Voxility or OVH.
Although DMCA only exists in the United States, there are still copyright laws in Europe that protect certain legal entities.
As you stated that you are only linking, I'm sure they would have no issues.
EDIT: You can could check - maybe they could have plans that suit you.
***From my understanding, in the form of a DMCA request, it will be their decision to take action when having knowledge. It could be a legal obligation, depending on the European Union copyright act.
Most European providers have no legal obligation to honour any DMCA typerequests unless it is a court order.Uh, yeah, they do.
i wouldnt recommend paying a year ahead if you host copyright sensitive materials, there is always a chance that you will get kicked out by your provider because of some random copyright violation and as result you can kiss your refund rights goodbye - this sucks if you dont have a lot of money to blow. You better play it safe and choose for a monthly pay option.
Ecatel is providing servers in the Netherlands, in this country there is an anti-piracy organization just like DMCA but they approach the whole thing differently, they rather go after people who are a big source of illegal content instead of going after the small fish.
This does not change the fact that you still have to be careful because BREIN has ties with some of the major American media distributors, protecting some of the same content DMCA protects.
You can see here a list of distributors BREIN protects
as you can see giants like Sony are listed.
I can provide you a discount plan at 15€ / year if you want....
And Yes I will ignore DMCA reports.
Plan will have
200 Gb Diskspace
2 TB Bandiwdth
DDOS Protection
Server Location - France
Order Link -
Normal Price €79.16EUR Annually
And offer price €15EUR (16.27$) Annually for LET users
Apply Coupon/Promo Code YA1TVOR2E8 (must choose Annually Billing while Placing order.
Mind that one movie distributor in NL has announced that they will start scare-mailing individual downloaders. Probably won't take long for the hammer to come down elsewhere as well.
I just hope that BREIN doesn't end up like what DMCA has become, DMCA appears to be more focused on cashing in on individual downloaders instead of terminating the real source of piracy.
You may also be held liable for monetary damages, including attorney's fees and court costs if a lawsuit is commenced against you. You have until May 26, 2017 to access the settlement offer and settle online. To access the settlement offer, please visit and enter Case #: xxxxxxxxx and Password: xxxxx.
I've never heard of torrents and that it's possible to download files on the internet.
Even if downloading was possible, it would be surely used to share videos and photos only between family members.
I'm not making a generalisation. I'm quoting country specific law. Canadian providers are obliged to follow Canadian law.
Search, there's plenty of threads about this. We don't need another one.