All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active. 1 year of LET ! -Black Friday too !
As you know from the beginning nobody gave us much confidence, and we are glad that know we have one year old in this forum. We hope that this year we helped, we have made good offers, and we did our best to be close to our customers. In the same time we want to tell Thanck you for all admins and moderators from here. Thank you for your trust.
Today we will make a limited offers (hopefully that will be on your taste):
one core
128 MB RAM
5 gb hdd
500 GB traffic included
1 ipv4
port 1Gbps speed
price $ 1 / mo (only yearly payments allowed) order here:¤cy=2&language=en
Disponible quantity: 300
one core
256 MB RAM
5 gb hdd
traffic 500GB / mo
1 ipv4
port 1Gbps speed
Price $ 1.25 / mo (only yearly payments allowed) order here: https: // a = & pid = 213 & add = 2 & language = currency en
Disponible quantity: 200
CPU: Core 2
IP Address: 1 included
Port: 1 Gbps
10 TB / mo included traffic
Price 1.99 eur / mo (only quarently payments) order here (verry low stock)
You can olso find Dedicated servers Here :
Payments accepted : Paypal , BTC, credit cards,
We have also some internal rules that you may find to the adress:
Test ip :
Without these offers time for a week we will publish in this thread every day a special offer for the Black Friday.
If you need custom packeges please post the specification of what you need, and your buget , we will try to provide.
Very nice, but it is strange 500GB bandwidth with first 2 packages, and 10 TB (!!!) with third one
What happen if one month we use more traffic?
I am sure some of my clients will answer to this question .
I'm expecting $1/year
Anyone? Speed limited or VPS unreachable until next month?
@cociu is a great guy. Keep up the good work @cociu , don't ever give up
I think this sentence is very reasonable
@funyuns_are_awesome thanks
@cociu I am very happy with your service. Thank you! :-)))
Cheers @cociu
Nabbed one of the 2 core specials.
Will I get discount on your perfumes..?
we delliver all over europe so ... if you are interesed please pm
Picked up a id=124 plan I was waiting for a restock on.
Black Friday's first impulse buy. (just to support @cociu, always a fan of your customer service)
@vimalware Thancks for been part of our company
@cociu The English translation on the site has a lot of grammatical errors. I'll be your editor and clean it up in exchange for a VPS that I'll probably rarely use.
Let me know if you're interested.
@DeftNerd definetly interesed please pm
cociu bro please check my pm
i will do right now , sorry for delay but too many work today
dont hesitate to grab these deals cociu is a great provider and very helpful!
anyone to tell me what happen if one month you use more than your quota? limited speed or network is blocked & site unavailable until next month? @cociu?
any ETA until the debian 8 minimal image will be available?
@cociu answered quickly via pm, thanks!
no idea - and it would be great for sure - but you still can change /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update && apt-get dist upgrade, and you'll end up with the same result.
buy , and open a tiket , we will put the image , if you are yet client proceed the same
our offer for today is a vps for backup propose :
1 core
1gb ram
200 gb hdd
1 ipv4
1 tb/mo traffic included
price 3.99 eur/mo
you can order here :
@cociu It says, "Blak-Friday - 1 core-200gbhdd-512 gb ram-1tb/mo traffic"
would you like to correct that?
website down?
seems down?
hello , was a apache problem , now is resolved.
your ssl cert for the client area expired... (atleast chrome tells me so)
@mosan7763 thancks , we will resolve this.
DMCA ignored on these servers too?
in all our servers is ignored