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@tarek4web do you have any budget
no budget
then ask @time4vps a custom quote or scaleway may be or if you like to go dedi has some small dedi's
I can do it for $12/m (France and Germany locations)
Time4VPS, XenPower, ZXPlay or use my aff link
check my signatures
There are 5 available XP18 specials at the bottom of page (90% of your requirements at subsidized price EDIT: or just pick XP2G for 4TB transfer )
asalam alekoum, i use Time4VPS, ZXPlay but maybe XenPower can be good for you as network latency can be lower.
@simonindia sorry OOT, but is scaleway with 4 dedicated ARM cpu core better than 2 cpu core on E3/E5.
anyway, how much Ghz is on ARM cpu model. thanks
It is not about GHz, instructions set on E3/E5 beats armv7 even if it had lower GHz, which is not the case.
The CPU on scaleway - Marvell PJ4Bv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)
Can someone else have a rage fit at this person explaining arm vs E5. I'm running low on swear words
i get kimsufi ks-2 thanks all
@Nekki you're up
thanks for explaination, never heard arm cpu model before and too lazy to find out.
Surprising to see prometeus not having any analytics code on their product selection page.
I might try them one day. They seem to be recommended.
Plus who can say no to @maounique 's arguements(+1 alert next year you login).