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Need UK DDoS Protected VPS 300Gbps +
I need a VPS which can stop pretty big DDoS attacks just as big as the ones which paid for stressors can put out.
I really would like it to be less than 3 pounds per month.
I'll be using it for a small mumble server and a VPN for me and a friend so the specs don't need to be amazing.
1TB bandwidth,
300Gbps DDoS protection,
Doesn't suspend your account if they find out that you are tormenting or at least doesn't monitor what you access. I won't be uploading torrents, just may download one now and then.
I know it can be done, zare do it however they say that if I torrent they'll suspend my account.
Go away, you're drunk!
You've got no idea how Torrents work, do you?!
So you only want someone who can "promise" you that they'll hold 300gbps of ddos for your 3pounds? Then there should be enough providers to choose!
11:58PM edited 11:58PM FlagThanks
Hackcraft said: 300Gbps DDoS protection
lol ,
Zare do 600Gbps DDoS protection for 2.50/month
I miss @tr1cky ....
@Hackcraft, 300Gbps holy hell, I can offer 10Gbps - 20Gbps mitigation in LDN.
@Hackcraft if zare offer this go with them !
I'd recommend you go with Zare, they use Voxility in London.
Our entire network is protected by Voxility, so even the £2.50 VPS plans benefit from the 600-800Gbps of global filtering capacity they have. As SpartanHost says, we have a direct connection with them in London, THN, so latency is still very low.
All providers on here who offer DDoS-protection are bad, the only good one is ChicagoVPS, zare is especially bad, they lie about their volume because they only filter in London where Voxility is far away from 600gbps filtering capacity.
AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! You've made my day by how stupid you are.
ChicagoVPS is ColoCrossing and MOST of the hosts on here resell services within ColoCrossing's NY Buffalo (Which is the one with RioRey DDoS protection)
So why exactly do you think you need 300Gbps DDoS protection for torrenting?
Have copyright holders resorted to DDoS attacking bittorrent users?
And note that LET is in ColoCrossing - and has been subject to some large DDoS attacks. I am a Buffalo ColoCrossing customer, and had a few issues when LET is under attack.
CC has some good DDoS protection I've heard from some clients. To see the amount of resellers from CC on here I think something has to be good if its not the DDoS protection.
You should probably check how routing works, attacks are filtered at the closest global Voxility PoP. Yes, they don't have 600Gbps of capacity in London, but they do globally and thats how much traffic they can filter.
The price?
That could be the case.
CHICAGOVPS OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA REALLY? It's like CC's DDoS protection could even protect LET (admins can remove this post if this is "offensive" to CC) :P
They will definitely NOT tank 600 gbps for you. You can't guarantee this because you haven't experienced any 600 gbps attack against your customers, which would surely result in a nullroute.
I would say 100-200 gbps is a more reasonable number for their London POP.
Quick question would the 600 gbps be shared on Voxility whole network?
Voxility can filter from the nearest POP, but that doesn't mean they will tank 600 gigabits for a single small customer in London. Their service is still pretty good, just the numbers mentioned here are inflated.
@zare - do you provide ddos protected colo?
Never said they would filter 600Gbps of traffic to a single IP. They can filter that much on their entire network, could be made up of thousands of different attacks.
They won't null your IP, but they will remote blackhole your IP on certain networks if the majority of the attack bandwidth is coming from there.
Yes we do, contact [email protected] if you want more information.
That's a nullroute. A partial nullroute if you want. But if you get 600 gbps they will drop you completely, specially in London.
Partial yes. But it's no different than any other network. And infact I would say it's better than all the others due to their extensive peering at IX's rather than purely T1 capacity. Which makes the traffic distribution a lot better, keeps overall cost lower and the chance of a null route occurring less than with other providers.
The largest attack we've seen so far without any nulls was a 320Gbps attack. Combination of SSDP reflection and NTP.
HeHeHe ... you're talking here about XXX Gbps DDoS Mitigation with voxility ... wait until you get a 10 Gbps with them ... I bet you'll become unavailable at least in some countries ... hehehe.
All companies advertise their services, but you need to be able to separate "this is crap" from "it may be possible".
I guess i'll go with Zare then. I need the DDoS protection because there's a stupid American with a 300Gbps stressor who DDoSed me 5 times in one day.
That this amount of traffic per second would alert your ISP's upstreamers. I don't honestly think that you actually receive 300 Gbps.
From where do you got the information that those ddos attackes, attackes you with 300gbps?
No, you don't need 300Gbps ddos protection..
I'm really surprised how many serious providers are wasting time with this kind of topic..
wasting time with this kind of topic .. I also think