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24 hours is more than acceptable. If it's passed that, and not urgent, then I'd start to worry. I'm sure they're around though.
That's nodedeploy, not vpsdeploy
It's late
Sorry Phil!!
Removed your tag.
^ Haha,
Haven't received a answer and it was a simple question if vpn was allowed.
I'm not sure if there is a rep on here.
@vpsdeploy ?
Have you seen their pingdom?
Actually not, That scares me a bit. I can remember from a few months ago they where great. Didn't even got a downtime in about 9 months.
Don't think so; especially considering they offer "24x7x365 Service support" on their website.
Ah fair enough, my bad
That doesnt rule out network outages. The VPS itself might be up, but not the network.
They seem to have gone quiet. The last time they tweeted was in October. Servers have been on and off recently. Tried emailing?
They were good for fist few months and in last November, the server went down suddenly.. and i received an email from them that OVH has blocked the server and they working on it.. even after 24 hrs they even didn't respond for tickets or emails..
Since client caused me problems after 24 hrs continuous downtime, I restored them to a new vps from
After 7 to 8 days, I received an email saying, i apologize for the issue and we have recovered all the vps and moved to another node..but what is the use in doing it after so many days? who will stay offline for so many days?
Since I already made few advanced payment and there is no point in using the new vps, I requested cancellation and refund..
But they cancelled my account and still didn't respond to my mail or support request regarding the refund..
very unprofessional..
I think it was a one man company..
so I learned a lesson, always go with some good company even if it is bit more costly..
Had Vpsdeploy for about 6 months. Good servers. Horrible (non-existent?) support. I still have an open ticket from 23/09/2012 and 29/09/2012 with no reply. I don't have any server with them anymore, but I can log-in to my client area. Few months before that I had a ticket which was answered quickly. Problem that time was ovh took down one of his server, he migrated it - in the process seriously screwed up my server. I had to rebuild the server from scratch after ~3 days of trying to fix it. I didn't lose anything but it was a lot of hassle.
He didn't inform me/us about the server being shutdown and the migration. Which I think was wrong.
Anyways, I think the server was really good for the price but the support is shaky. Probably due to english not being his first language.
Which is too bad because I actually recommended vpsdeploy to few people I know, when things where running fine.
Got this email today, looks like vpsdeploy is gone:
I am contacting you to inform you that the website "" has been acquired by the Spanish company "GINERNET Sociedad Limitada".
In recent months, we have not been able to properly manage the service. There have been many outstanding tickets which we could not answer and we understand the discontent that is when you get no response to inquiries from ticket.
We have also suffered serious consequences with our provider OVH in France check1 check2. We have had several downtimes and closures caused by incoming DDos attacks that have forced us to move the data from our customers to new servers to restore service. This has been an importan t point that has motivated us to search a new datacenter.
If you still has a VPS in the cluster003 or cluster006 wich both are hosted in OVH, we recomend you to request via ticket a VPS migration to the new Spanish infraestructure.
These are important factors that have led us to decide to sell the project to a company that can take charge and ensure the continuity of your business.
"GINERNET" is managed by "José Manuel Giner" a ex-employee of OVH who helped us during his work in OVH with the launch of the solutions "SSD VPS".
Now works in his own company and is preparing a new SSD VPS infrastructure in Spain. He is going to use the mark "" to offer his new product outside Spain.
We wish that this new stage in will be better than ever.
PS- All remaining tickets have been closed, please open a new ticket if you have any issue or query.
PS- Nothing changes, all the activity is going to continue to manage from the website
Best regards. & GINERNET SL team
I am wondering if you will be able to keep the same price. If yes it could be good value for money as Spanish VPSs are rare and usually not in low budget segment.
They mention all tickets are closed.. but I didn't receive any response......
They just said they closed the tickets. They didn't say anything about receiving a response. It says in the e-mail:
Maybe you should open up a new ticket hm?
@ half eaten pie, yes u r right
I got the mail also. Not planning to buy there soon tbh.