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Observium hosting provider?
Was a customer of CloudCommando. After several months of website unaccessible, I'm now looking for somewhere else.
Anyone who is doing a similar service at a similar pricing?
Need a managed setup service (a.k.a you prepare the observium server, 'cause I don't want to do it myself); about 5 servers to monitor (I'll add servers by myself).
= or =
If you have any news from CloudCommando, please also let me know. I might miss something from them.
How much were you paying there? We could possibly do that for you
I think it worked out at $0.20/month or something, its not sustainable. IP addresses will cost more than that very shortly.
Better to just get yourself a VPS and spin up Observium/LibreNMS yourself or pay some to do it for you. But these 'managed services' for pennies a month just don't work long term.
I think I paid 4 bucks for full yr, wasn't ever able to use it though.
I couldn't remember the exact price, but I think < $6/yr meets my expectation. Of course only if you are providing such hosting to many people, or it's not sustainable.
I don't think I need a dedicate IP? Shared one works for me. If someone is providing such hosting for various people, the final cost would be much less.
Self hosting is my last choice, unless I couldn't find anyone who can do this.
CloudCommando is long dead,
Thanks, good to know.
Yeeeeess.. Sign a contract with kyubey... OwO
If you're still in the market, I can provide a hosted Observium master.
I didn't think there was much demand for hosted Obserivum so I haven't been offering this publicly, but for the last year or so I've been hosting Observium masters for ~10 people aside from my own installation. I've also written a script that many people here use to install the client -
I believe can provide similar rates to CloudCommando ($6-10/yr ?), you can either use a white-label sub-domain of mine(which includes SSL) or use your own domain. I'm running an nginx based setup, this makes no difference from the front-end, aside from being a bit faster than an Apache based setup. I'm running the latest version of community edition, you'd have your own installation with it's own database/cronjob.
If you are interested you can send me a message on here or use the contact form on my website.
After I sent money to @nunim on Nov 4 for the service (as told to send money by paypal) he vanished and didn't reply to my message till now.
So I'm open for suggestions again.
Why don't you get a $7/yr VPS from HostUS & do it yourself?
Hosted my own Observium via a Turnkey template, never looked back after the disappointment from CloudCommando
Because I don't want to put time on that, unless absolutely necessary. I already have enough websites to maintain. It's the same reason as most people don't do self hosting email service but use gmail instead.
I can set up another instance on my own monitoring server for like $7/yr if you want. PM me if you're interested :-)
Everything was pretty awesome for the first four or five months with Avotons from
Then, I started receiving huge DDoS attacks and got told to migrate one machine or get completely kicked out of for it.
DDoS attacks were constant on the infrastructure, real protection was expensive. I had to choose QuadIX.
QuadIX had power outages every three days.
Due to the unsustainable price I was charging, QuadIX and then OVH as a gateway was all I could afford as DDoS protection.
Main website started being hit by 100Gbit+ attacks, nothing budget could help.
Someone I thought was trustworthy came around and said they could help me with the rising costs and degrading infrastructure if I merged under them.
Migrated data, servers and domains to them.
They disappeared for more than a month and ate my budget for CloudCommando and started taking a huge chunk out of my real budget as a Uni student.
Took the advice of many, and decided to take the path of shutting down unexpectedly.
I accept full responsibility for the failure of a side project that managed to last about 8/9 months.
It'll come back soon, and be free. I have gotten back a hold on the main domain recently.
Edit: I'd highly recommend not using the turnkey template, it's full of useless junk that doesn't actually contribute to the template (or at least, that was my experience with the template issued in 2013 when I was testing).
Not sure how the lack of charging will help you with costs. is an observium fork. @cassa is a dev on github if I'm not mistaken.
Librenms is easy to install if you follow their installation on debian. Install it to /opt/librenms. It actually works on nginx.
Use for snmpd installation on the agent server.
You can use for the crontab file for the librenms user owning the /opt/librenms folder.
Change the python poller line "4" thread number to something more appropriate. 16 is default.
Its nice to have closure.
@0xdragon said: 100Gbit+
The perils of advertising on LET..
Proof please. I doubt that.
How would you like me to provide the proof?
Screenshot from online panel showing the DDoS ID so i can inquiry in IRC about it being correct.
I was with a reseller at the time
Feel free to contact me off-forum and I'll see if I can get them to give me the ID.
Edit: Wait, you're talking about my main website, it was hosted on BuyShared or DO (I'll check to see which, it was on both for a time). The reseller of was for my infrastructure, 100Gbit+ DDoS attack was website only.
Edit 2: After trawling a bit through my email, I was wrong on both accounts, I moved it to Viking Layer for a time before I had to move it to BuyVM with Staminus.
Similar issues with Blacklotus in Los Angeles who use Arbor Filtering. but their team are always on to block such issues. Don't see why they'd tell you that you will be terminated if it happened again. Had 40Gbit / 40Mpps Floods hit the network edge without even touching the network. And this is with Arbor.
Thanks for all the help!
I'll give Librenms a shot and see how it goes.
Please, NO, don't ever come online again! You've taken money and went away.
Everybody remembers what you did!
Yes, that's true. A shady person. Lol.