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Quarterly Top Provider Winners
Hi everyone!
I’m here to share the results of the Quarterly Top Provider Poll. There were a lot of entries, here were the top 10:
- RamNode
- Prometeus & BuyVM
- DigitalOcean
- Dacentec
- Vultr
- Dediserve
- HostUS
The top 5 new providers (there weren't that many votes):
- ArubaCloud
- ZXPlay
- Time4VPS
- Nexhost
- Mean Servers
The 5 winners of LowEndSpirit VPS:
smallet angrysnarl 764664 Bochi CFarence
The grand prize winner of the 2GB RAM VPS from Hudson Valley Host:
Prize winners will be contacted in the coming days with details about how to collect their winnings
Full disclosure section:
Some could have been combined but would not have made top 10, so the effort was not taken to combine them. Note that LowEndSpirit generic votes are missing, as they did not specify a provider. Had they done so, I suspect Inception would have been in the top 10.
What will earn RamNode? No 1 month free advertisement or sticky thread?
Yes let's sticky the most well known/recommended provider voted by LET members on LET! It'll DEFINITELY make sure more LET members know about them!
Did we have a winner for upcoming provider? I think it was MeanServers from the general gist of the votes, but would be cool to see that those votes were counted.
Congrats to the top providers!
@Jar who won the new provider vote? That's the list I'm more interested in as the top 10 are pretty established.
Good call! Added. I only added the top 5 of that, beyond that the votes were pretty much equal across the board down to the bottom. There really weren't many votes for new provider.
congrats ramnode!
Great to see Dacentec doing well!
Congrats guys.
A dedi provider takes second. The times, they are a changin'
Congratulations @Nick_A (RamNode)
Thanks everyone
Maybe we should have two separate polls for dedi providers and VPS providers? Or nah..
Ohh, didn't expect that. Maybe the best time to start experimenting with IPv6!
Nice. I didn't know you get prizes for voting now. Any chance you'll post the actual vote count for the providers?
That kidechire will do it. Under 5 dollars per month for bare-metal, and people lose their minds.
On that note, grab them while they're hot :
I have a $10/month, and they're now semi-instant provisoined, so enjoy! Refreshing now to see how fast they go $20, $25/mo, they learing from Dacetener
I am sure @Jar can provide if people want to see them, we were not trying to hide anything just focus on the names.
Cover up I smell? Joking of course.
At this rate and from reviews on IRC, I think MXRoute will end up inn top contenders next round my guess.
Sure! Now keep in mind some of these can and should have been combined, but if you look at it and realize that you have to cut off the list somewhere for the post, you'll notice that actually taking the time to do so wouldn't change anything so I didn't bother. For example, I know Oktay has two different listings on here, but if combined wouldn't have made the top 10.
I don't think there are enough providers in that space for it to be worth it yet....but in 6 month's time who knows? If more providers are prepared to start dropping LEDs (bad acronym, I know)...well, that'll be for a future group of community advisors to discuss with the staff.
I honestly don't think that's all it is; the Kidichere got them on the LET radar, but it's the subsequent offers (some of the Dedibox deals have been absolute steals) and Scaleaway that got them to second place.
I just wanted to see the difference in votes between different providers
Congrats to all the top providers
Also worth noting that if people had specified which provider their votes for LowEndSpirit were for, Inception likely would have been in the top 10.
Also, three cheers for @Jar who pretty much ran this quarter's poll himself.
It was fun
Thanks for the poll & congrats to the top providers :-)
Thank you all very much! We really, really appreciate your votes and your business! Thanks for running the poll @Jar.
@jar shouldn't both buyvm and Prometeus get 3rd place as they tied?
You're right. You can tell that I didn't try to screw with details much. I just let bash toss the results together after I compiled them and just pasted the result. Will fix
Flagged for @mikho, I'm outside the edit timer.
Do I win a hug