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[US]Hostigation 30% off for life now offering Proxmox with extra savings has been providing hosting, dedicated servers and VPS since 2006 and owns all it's equipment.
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Proxmox OpenVZ VPS
50GB Disk
1024GB Bandwidth
512MB Memory
512MB vSwap
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address
$5 Monthly Order NC
This is a configurable VPS, this is just what is included for your $5 ($3.50 after coupon). You are free to adjust higher Memory, vSwap, CPU Cores, Disk Space and traffic. Limited quantities while this platform enters public offering.
These templates are offered and freshly updated with noVNC access from WHMCS
CentOS 6.7 i368/x86_64
CentOS 6.7 x86_64 cPanel
Debian 7/8 i386/amd64
Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 i386/amd64
TUN/TAP pptp availible from WHMCS
root password reset via WHMCS
Unlimited forward DNS and rDNS provided in WHMCS via our PowerDNS cluster located in Charlotte, Los Angeles and Virginia.
Los Angeles Testfile Test IP:
North Carolina Testfile Test IP:
Addon cPanel for $12/mo
Addon Softaculous $1.50/mo
Addon WHMCS $12.50/mo
Additional IPv4 Adress $2/mo (With Justification)
Addon IPv6 no charge
About our VPS
We offer cPanel as a semi-managed service, meaning we will take care of your server, you take care of your code.
OpenVZ/KVM Available, see all of our VPS offerings.
Something you want not offered, drop an email to sales [at] hostigation [dot] com so we can quote your needs.
Acceptable payment options are PayPal, Credit Card via PayPal, Credit Card via Stripe, BitCoin, Check/Money Order (US Funds drawn on US Bank)