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VPS Pools in FOUR locations – DDoS Protection FREE – Starting at $3.49
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VPS Pools in FOUR locations – DDoS Protection FREE – Starting at $3.49

HostMyBytesHostMyBytes Member
edited October 2015 in Offers

Summer is over, but our VPS Pools are still open and warm. Haven't tried one of our VPS Pools out yet, what are you waiting for? Christmas? We'll have special coupon offers then too.

We just launched a new VPS Pool location in Strasbourg, France, and brought additional servers online in other locations. Capacity is waiting to be filled by you!

Buy today and save. All new customers are covered by our 30-day refund guarantee.

What are VPS Pools?
VPS Pools are bundles of server resources you buy and can allocate how so you see fit, when you see fit and where you see fit. The Pools include multiple IPs, a good amount of RAM, large disk allocation and a large amount of bandwidth. VPS Pools also include multiple IPv6 address (yes we have support for IPv6 see this for info)

With a VPS Pool you can have one big VPS or break the resources up into multiple VPS instances and do so across our locations (Montreal, Canada, Jacksonville, Florida, Phoenix, Arizona, and Strasbourg, France).

DDoS Protection is included for FREE in three of our locations.

Using our control panel, you can build and delete virtual servers instantly

Wading Pool

WAS: $8.49 NOW: $4.49 / month - COUPON CODE: POOL1

2GB RAM / 1 CPU per VPS / 100GB Disk / 3TB Bandwidth / 3 IPv4 Addresses


Olympic Pool

WAS: $12.49 NOW: $6.09 / month - COUPON CODE: POOL2

4GB RAM / 1 CPU per VPS / 200GB Disk / 5TB Bandwidth / 5 IPv4 Addresses


If you want a regular OpenVZ server for VPS or other #lowend use, we have a 256MB good for VPN, IRC, and many other things. This is available in all of our locations:

** OpenVZ VPS Annual 256MB (Limit 2 per customer)**

256MB RAM / 2 CPUs / 30GB Disk / 1TB BW /1 IPv4 Address / /64 IPv6 Subnet

ORDER NOW - $2/m or $12/yr

Here are Five Reasons to Choose HostMyBytes

  1. Care: We work hard to satisfy our valued customers
  2. Guarantee: 30-Day money back satisfaction guarantee for new customers
  3. Power: Xeon many core powered servers with RAID drive arrays
  4. Choice: Four locations to choose from
  5. Available: Fast support with 24x7 coverage

About HostMyBytes
HostMyBytes has been offering web and VPS hosting since 2014. We are a rapid growth company. We just added Strasbourg, France, as a new VPS location, bringing our location count up to four.

Need something different? We can arrange custom packages to meet your needs. Let's talk about how HostMyBytes can serve you.


  • ddos protection up to?

  • HostMyBytesHostMyBytes Member
    edited October 2015

    @JustRefleX We have 480 GBPS DDoS protection by OVH and in Arizona we use PhoenixNap's 20 GBPS protection

  • agentmishraagentmishra Member, Host Rep

    never ever try hostmybytes...

  • @HostMyBytes said:
    Olympic Pool

    WAS: $12.49 NOW: $6.09 / month - COUPON CODE: POOL2

    I'm getting "The promotion code entered does not exist" for that. Has the offer ended?

  • @agentmishra said:
    never ever try hostmybytes...

    Any particular reason?

  • HostMyBytesHostMyBytes Member
    edited October 2015

    @Agentmishra Do you have any experience to share? We wouldn't have such positive reviews on our site if we did a bad job.

    Further, you wouldn't see so much of the positive feedback on my LET wall if this were the case either.

    I don't know where to post this but i just want to thank Tyler personally for helping me setup a server + giving me some freebies, also the support staff are really helpful and hardworking. With that said, I recommend hostmybytes to anyone looking for a host, have the peace of mind knowing that you're taken care of and not alone. K.Mann

    @MeAtExampleDotCom Fixed this.

  • yomeroyomero Member
    edited October 2015

    The limit of servers is given by the amount of ipv4 addresses? Or how many server can I create with your pools?

  • dynwebdynweb Member
    edited October 2015

    How can I choose the location during the ordering process for the 256MB annual? I'm only interested in one specific location....

  • edited October 2015

    256MB in Strasbourg, France>only @dynweb said:

    How can I choose the location during the ordering process for the 256MB annual? I'm only interested in one specific location....

  • dynwebdynweb Member
    edited October 2015

    @qq7119 said:
    256MB in Strasbourg, France>only dynweb said:

    How do you know? OP says all locations...

  • @dynweb said:
    How do you know? OP says all locations...

    Because it does not give of your. the option,
    preferential I thought would only be a location

  • Long time no one to process an order ..... service is really ... sigh

  • qq7119 said: Long time no one to process an order ..... service is really ... sigh

    Orders are processed manually to stop spam.

  • @HostMyBytes said:
    Orders are processed manually to stop spam.

    In fact, would like to know, in the end can not choose another location

  • hiphiphip0hiphiphip0 Member
    edited October 2015

    how many vps could I create per pool?

    Is the disk hhd or ssd?

    Could I create vps in multi locations or in one location?

  • qq7119 said: In fact, would like to know, in the end can not choose another location

    You ordered a non-pooled service, so it should be provisioned wherever you requested it, unless there was some error. If you are unhappy with where it was provisioned, you can ask for us to migrate it and we'll be happy to comply.

    For our customers with pooled services, they can select their VPS locations on a per-VPS basis, meaning you could have one in France.

    @dynweb Sorry, I missed your post. Please see my answer above as it applies to your question as well.


    You can make as many VPS as you have IP addresses for. Each VPS must have at least one IP address.

    We have some HDD servers, but we're currently in the process of moving everything to SSD-cached.

    You can make VPS in multiple locations.

  • @dynweb @qq7119 I checked again and it seems that the location selector wasn't enabled for this service. It's now been enabled, you so can select the location and you'll be provisioned there automatically -- no need for submitting a ticket now. Thanks! :)

  • alreay paid,when will it be actived?Invoice # 10521

  • edited October 2015

    I need is in Jacksonville
    Help me deal thx

  • seoproseopro Member
    edited October 2015

    already actived.but only one location is available.pls check it ASAP.

  • I would never recommend this provider.

    1. their client portal can create vps, but you can't never access that vps
    2. you need to manually ask their support to create vps for you which you can't control through client portal
    3. I asked them to install ubuntu minimal for me, which don't have mail server installed. But they said someone complaint there are some spam from my servers. I really don't know why, no mail server and how can my server send email?
    4. After you paid, it's not instantly actived. You need to open a ticket. All these troubles waste me a few days.

    They are so unprofessional. I will just stay away from them.

  • How many CPU cores are available in each pool? And is it possible to assign more than one core to 1 vm?

  • Looking glass or test IP address please?

  • HostMyBytesHostMyBytes Member
    edited October 2015

    @bearvv88 Do you have a ticket ID? You've spammed our offers with this before, and clearly you are unsatisfied with the services we provided. Until you get me a ticket ID, I will answer your questions in general.

    1) their client portal can create vps, but you can't never access that vps - There was an issue we were having with our module, but it has now been fixed.

    2) I asked them to install ubuntu minimal for me, which don't have mail server installed. - We suspend servers only based on abuse reports that we receive from our upstream providers. We always send a copy of the abuse report to our end users, so you should know exactly what was sent. Additionally, if you haven't taken the steps to secure your server, you are expected to do so, as it is unmanaged.

    3) Many of our services are now instantly activated. We do not advertise instant activation, and we do it to keep spammers and fraudsters away.

    4) I'm sorry you find us unprofessional, but we answer tickets properly and management is always available when there is a problem.

  • Junkless said: How many CPU cores are available in each pool? And is it possible to assign more than one core to 1 vm?

    Yes, this is possible.

    sktanmoy said: Looking glass or test IP address please?

    Here are our looking glasses:

    Jacksonville -
    Quebec -
    Arizona -

    We are currently setting one up for our France location.

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