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Good resources for learning BASH scripting.
I need to become more comfortable writing bash scripts.
Anyone have any good resources to learn from beginner level upwards?
I'd obviously not like to learn bad habits etc, hence i'm asking for vetted resources and not random one's I find on Google that like to teach people bad habits
I know about a book that is really good, but it's in german which will surely not help you. It's "Juergen Wolf, Shellprogrammierung, Galileo Press". Maybe there is an english equivalent?
weird, ikr?
Here's some references and cheatsheets , the templates screwed on Mobile not sure why..
One of the best ways to learn is by doing it hands on. Take note of references that are good resources, and begin.
Here's a start for you with variables:
Save it as a file, and chmod it to 755.
Run it: ./nameyousavedthescriptas 1 + 1
The output should be "1 + 1 = 2".
Simple calculator, using the expr package.
I read this cover to cover ages ago, it builds proficiency very quickly and doesn't sugarcoat or ignore corner cases.
I found "The Linux Command Line" by William Shotts to be a good resource.
If anyone is interested it can be found here. I'd highly recommend it as a resource to anyone starting out in Linux, or anyone who needs to refresh. It's well written and concise.
This also seems like a good list of resources:
Look for the O'Reilly BASH book. If you search good for 'o'reilly bash shell pdf' you may find useful links.