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Who wants to make me a new website and logo?

Willing to pay for a new, good looking website and logo.
^^Gotta look better than that
I've sent you a PM requesting your contact details / Skype and I'll see what I can do for you
@bijan588 - Don't get ripped off, check out the following links:✓&term=logo&category=logo-templates&new_term=hosting
@marcm not sure that would work for logos though, since lot of the stuff sold for royalty-free or otherwise typically cannot legally be used in trademarks or logos.
This is my fav. I'm not sure it gives the right message:
How much are you willing to pay - budget-less requests like this are useless…
I know its not looking too good, yet!
Look on Fiverr or something.
SVG here
Boredom is me. Feel free to use it if you want.
Logo is supposed to be unique. No use for a logo that many companies share.
Took words right out of my mouth
On a side note, I highly recommend Ypson for custom logo:
He designed our logo and from the porfolio you can see he is a very good designer
That is pretty good, I think making the N and H on the same level and it all the same colour would look amazing. :-)
This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
Hmmm, aren't you the guy that didn't pay up when you won my domain auction? I would be careful if you do any business with this guy...
Hey, aren't you the guy that forgot that the prices went crazy when that troll bidded on them?
Anyways, I'm not going to argue this, so if people dont want to make something for me, that's great; I really dont care.
Simple, yet better then my previous one
Bell's as Christmas is near...... Am I too early..
You could at least reply to the PM I sent you, you just disappeared.
On top of that, the amount you bid is the amount you commit to, it doesn't matter what the non-winning bids were. As far as I know, you ''trolled'' the auction and now you claim it's because of someone else's bidding.
Nobody MADE you bid.
Anyway, all is forgiven, the 2nd highest bidder got the domain.
But I would think twice before I do business with you again.
Simple, yet better then my previous one
Though visually it makes it seem like the host is dying.
LOL moment for me, ya you are correct @kbeezie , It slipped out of my mind, thanks for reminder.
I went to Iran.
Essentially the same as disappearing.
Prelim. Mockups of a site I have:
Overall First one is better than the second!
Yea, I'm still working on the design, but hopefully will get it coded and for sale.
I planned to have internet, and only be a few weeks.
I'm not mad, just be a little more careful with bidding next time.