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Is this normal with Urpad?
My Box is down for almost 36 hours.
Submitted a ticket and got replied by Dennis Ross:
I will check this issue and update you back on this
few hours later I asked again its status, got replied
It looks like the VPS configuration files seems to be corrupted and are refused to boot it up. We will recreate the VPS and update you the details.
another few hours, still waiting further updates
I'm on OpenVZ, luckily this's not the main box.
Anyone having the same issue (configuration files corrupted) and is it normal to have our box down for almost 36 hours.
Thanks for anyone who lightened me up.
Ticket: #940896
I have also experienced that problem once with openvz, not with urpad however.
Usually caused by editing or removing certain OS files :P
That Dennis guy is not a good support tech. I asked to be moved to a different node for better disk i/o, but was told that all other VMs using high disk i/o will effect my VM. Still haven't figured out how that was a valid response.
With that comment, on the hostbor guest?
I hope you ment host.
@Fritz I have replied to your ticket.
Normal for SolusVM API to corrupt VPS config when it's being created, happened few times for us but should be resolved in ~1min (Click terminate and then create)
Thanks Chris, I've replied you back.
They are still investigating the problem
Never had such problem before. Hopefully this is the first and last for me
It appears up from my end. I see Dennis got to your ticket before I did. SolusVM Admin shows it online as well as visiting your IP in the browser. I'm getting the default Apache, "It Works!" page.
I love URPad, they rock. Already have 2 accounts with them.
What are the specs on the VPS, and what country is it in?
Might be willing to trade you two US-based VPS accounts for 1 URPad account.
I did once get told though that I/O of 30 mb/s was normal for their node in New York. But Kevin took care of it quickly.
I'm not using Apache actually. So, I guess that's not mine.
It's located in LA with Exclusive yearly offer
After big efforts, the problem has been fixed and my box "really" online now.
Whew..48 hours. lol
Thanks @FTNChris, Dylan and Dennis