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Looking For a large number of cheap Openvz US VPS.
Hi everyone,
I am looking for about 20 Cheap openvz VPS for less than $20 / year. I will need to order about 300 - 400 VPS like this in next a few months. So this is a long term request
Each needs in the different B range, but if there are a few VPS in different C range instead of B, it also works.
I am not requesting a single provider for purchases of these VPS.(But if you can do, it is great.)
So if you want to advise me, please send me your referral link below :P
I have ordered servers from following providers, which i do not need to buy from them anymore.
Ramnode, Crowncloud, Serverhub, Owned-Networks, Hostigation, Httpzoom, Vpscheap, White Sands Hosting, VortexUnit, RIJX, ipsystemsltd, bandwagonhost, evobilling, 123systems, deepnetsolutions, hostus, virmach, weloveservers,, maximumvps, hostmist, 123systems, securedragon, crissic, nodeserv, toshost, alpharacks, hosttodo, vpsace, chicagovps and supremebytes.
Thanks very much!
Wow, what do you use them all for?
LOL, VPN via SSH, very less resources usage and never break TOS.
BoltVM, UltraVPS, Phase-7, MyServerPlanet, and the one in my signature - free $20 credit
Also XVMLabs, 7 IPv4 per VPS
@Bruce maybe able to help
Is quality not an issue? If so just go through the offers section and buy anything under $20
We have in Dallas and Seattle 20GB SAS or SSD 512MB memory unmetered @100Mbps or 10TB@ 1Gbps $15 /Year
xvmlabs yao bu yao ?
maybe not anymore...
DrServer may be able to help you (although it's Xen)
pretty sure xvmlabs only offered those plans to hoard IPv4 addresses anyway
look at my signature, all plans have monthly/yearly cheap prices.
maybe xvmlabs can help you.
OVZ VPS in Atlanta. link in my sig
We can do this for you at an extended discount. Open a ticket at and we will assist you.
[]512 MB RAM
[]1024MB Burstable RAM.
[]20GB Raid 10 Disk Space
[]250GB Premuim Bandwidth
[]1 Core (3.6GHZ)
[]1 Dedicated IP
Can do it at $20/year.
We can provide you. Contact via email sales[@]
Just sent it over.
Just sent it over.
Wow deep pockets challenge?
Someone request 100 VPS previous time..
We can also do monthly billing if you take more than 12 VPS at the annual rate. So, $20 a month if you have 12. $1.67 a month per each additional 1 GB VPS.
Here you go:
Please have a look for the kvm vps's with reasonable price and along with dedicated IP addresses.