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Location ? We can offer those specs in USA.
If you have own Windows License than Check our KVM plans if any suitable for you.
Up your budget.
Tried greencloud and some others, but not happy with them
For $10 I couldn't get a Good, Fast, Reliable Linux VPS at those specs.
we are providing vps services with OS linux, if you have the requirement for the linux OS, we can offer you one, checkout one month just for $1.
you should up your budget, and then go with Drserver, dare say @drserver can make a deal for you with the specs you are after.
4 cores & 4GB ram and you want a good, fast, reliable host for $10? What are you smoking?
Trial windows if you don't mind and this is actually doable.
Please PM me for ordering as i need to make you custom plan.
Thank you
Go with drServer
Thanks for your comments. Maybe I should up my budget a bit. I'm checking out drserver.
Bear in mind that SPLA WIndows License cost is around your budget....
So don't expect the license to be real/valid/legit/provided
180 days Trial licence is real/valid/legit/provided.
@drserver and you can legally sell a license like this to the end Customer? Doubtful.
Not valid under the SPLA, and SPLA is the -ONLY- valid way a host can deliver any Microsoft service or product to a paying customer.
@Clouvider, licence is free trial, VPS price is same as for Linux and Windows and client needs to activate licence on their own for windows 2008. For 2012 Activating service is self deployable.
@dediserve, That is not correct. Please paste here SPLA part regarding 180 days licence. SPLA is regulated for volume licencing (actual sale). As this is trial, no SPLA is applied here. Evaluation version of windows is not covered under SPLA. After you make licence SALE you are obligated to comply on SPLA. Only thing that is regulated regarding VPS servers, SPLA does not allow desktop OS to be installed on VPS. Only server systems.
Thank you
SPLA provides for up to 50 concurrently running 60 day trials.
If you are a SPLA provider, you can't provide media or any other 'assistance' for a user who might directly download the Media for the 180 day direct evaluation.
1st part i am aware of, however customer have right to install any os that they want. You cannot do that for them.
2nd part, You are not allowed to activate 180 days tiral for customer. If customer do that on its own you are completely legal.
As disclaimer, i am not living of Windows VPS and i honestly have no interest in debating this with you, however i have to correct you if you are wrong.
Please paste me SPLA link i lost it somewhere.
Yes, and that's a sale of a VPS with a Windows OS (trial). Different storry if the VM (and so the license) would be offered entirely free of charge for the purpose of trial, and yet that grants you only 60 days trial as per SPLA.
I presume in that case you will be providing the 'media' and you will be installing the 'OS' (or your systems).
@Clouvider, That theory is not so stable, you are saying if i deliver server with no OS installed that everything is good then ?
I saw 60 days trial, however after install of trial version of 2012 and 2008 it automatically activates it self as 180 days trial.
If you don't advertise it as a server with Windows na dod nothing to help Customer install Windows, and the Customer decides to install whatever the Customer wants it's a Customer problem, this is not the case here though.
After 60 days you need to start reporting the license to your SPLA partner and start charging the Customer, or terminate the trial and remove the system.
@Clouvider, thank you for constructive comments, can we all agree that you can't control what customer is installing on VPS ?
Also can we agree that tiral windows are activated by them self on 180 days ?
@dediserve and @Clouvider,
Seems that you are right... Found SPLA agreement. if it is trial, it has to be 60 days. Seems to me that we are changing some things here.
This is irrelevant in this situation.
That's right, as long as you are not helping Customer nor advertising it as a service/product :-).
Edit: sorry, just saw your response.
No issues, actually i am the one who needs to say sorry here.
And big thanks for saving me from potential problems.
@Clouvider and @dediserve beers are on me
As long as you don't advertise a windows server, and the customer gets the evaluation 'themselves' then you are doing nothing wrong
@dediserve, honestly better save than sorry...