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Is it a good idea to rent a server in Europe and accelerate it with CDN?
Some server providers in Europe provide the dedicated server for a very low price, however, if over half of the visitors to my sites are in US, is it a good idea to host sites on a server in Europe? Can we accelerate these sites with CDN and offer users a good experience, so they won't feel any slow connection?
Depends on your site and its content to if a CDN would improve the responsiveness of the site.
Thanks for the reply, what about these sites that need users to upload files to the server?
CDN only works by caching content or files you users want to see closer to them.
If you need to interact with databases or upload files, then CDN will have no impact
Uploads could also work with a CUN (Content upload network)
Keep in mind that a CDN still needs to fetch your content from the original server for cache misses.
Visitor in the U.S. -> CDN PoP in U.S. -> Your server in Europe
The latency on the latter will affect your site's responsiveness. Also, most CDNs may not cache HTML, only static contents.
Go for USA if latency matters. Get a cdn to improve it even further.