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Weird slow openvpn performance on transfering large file (Speed keeps dropping down)
I'm trying to tell as much information as I can to help identify the problem.
I set up an openvpn server on 1 core cpu server with 1 GB ram and fast disk performance on KVM platform in Buffalo, New York. My computer is in Toronto. The latency between these two servers are around 40~60 ms and the speed can go up to 1.5MB /s (Max my home line speed.). I use filezilla with sftp through the openvpn to download file from a 512MB ram server in Jacksonville on Openvz platform. The connection between these two servers can reach to around 10~20 MB/s.
Issue: When I use filezilla to pull a 8 GB video file from the 512MB ram Jacksonville server with sftp through openvpn, the speed starts at 1.5 MB/s for a few seconds and then slowly drops down, usually in 5 minutes the speed drops to 500 KB/S and in 1 hour it drops down to 400 KB/s, then the speed stays there for the rest of the transferring.
When I directly connect to the 512 MB ram Jacksonville server, the speed stays 1.5 MB/S for the whole time.
Does anyone ever have this type of problem? Do you have any solution on this? Appreciate your help. This has bothered me for a while
I'm surprised you can maintain 1.5 MB/s for a 8GB file on either server. sFTP isn't good for moving large files. Do a quick google search on sFTP issues with large files and you will find plenty of information. I would suggest finding another method to download the file, such as FTP or set up a small webserver to host the files.
On a side note, I haven't tried this yet, but it's supposed to fix the ssh problem that causes download speeds to drop -
Webserver or ftp with DAP or some other download accelerator might be the solution...
Setup lighttpd and copy the files over to that, should give you better/more consistent speeds.
Thank you for your reply. I'm gonna try ftp first to see if that solves the issue.
Couldn't possibly think it is sftp problem by myself. 
Thank you.
I'm gonna try ftp first if that doesn't work I'm gonna use http to download.
Thank you. Couldn't identify the issue by myself.
hpn-ssh should help, as @grillmaster said, but also take a look at this
Actually I saw your post before and tried tit. It didn't have any noticeable performance increases on my machine though.
The easiest way would be setup Hfs and then wget it on server