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WHOIS tool with JSON API
For those who might be interested, I (kinda) resurrected the tool @joepie91 created 3 years ago: (It's giving out 500 error as of the time I wrote this)
It uses @joepie91's python-whois as a parser. Results are live and never gets cached. It has a backend which consists 9 servers, so I don't know how much traffic would it hold up to. HTTPS is available if you choose to use it. For .com, .net and .org it works quite well, but things might be broken for several TLD's, in that case you can PM me or just open an issue at python-whois, as that is what I'm going to do too.
You can try with writing the domain you want after, like this: (You can see the parsed JSON at if you like.) It's a sister project of
Hope it can be useful to some people.
Great to see!
I haven't gotten around to working on pythonwhois issues lately, but now that I'm beginning to sort out my (longer-term) income, I should soon be able to work on that again. There'll also be a Node.js version of it at some point
EDIT: And yeah, my web frontend is down. Turned out to be a bit more painful to keep a Python-based web thing running than I'd anticipated
Great to hear that there'll be a Node.js version.