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Sao Paulo Brazil LEB ( any host dime reseller?)

-2-5 GB HDD . Good IO
-70 GB of BW.
-1 x IPV4 . Don't care where the IP is from as long as the content is delivered from SP with latency of around less than 45 msec to Buenos Aires.
-256 MB OVZ.
No control Panel but something like solus to do reinstalls.
No managed services as our sysadmin will take care.
Willing to pay as little as possible as we won't make much use of the box.
PS: I'm aware Host1Plus offers something better in theoretical specs but their network doesn't seem stable.
From what I saw Host1Plus is the cheapest, if you dont want to go with them then you might need to pay a little more.
I know maxihost is pretty good, but pricy. From what I remember is was $20 for 5mbps/s simple "cloud" server.
Is there a way ( for our dev) to evaluate ( constant pings) from our linode box to see if it can rely in a petition for the static content to be served from a super LEB like Host1Plus ( which might be down or might have more latency for our customer to go from buenos aires to atlanta) ?
Amazon EC2 micro instance, but I think that the bandwidth will be a limiting factor. Internet is too expensive here in Brazil. A good clue is to search for VPS in this thread of Datacenters on Brazil:
I think that I saw a 256 MB or 128MB VPS for R$24,00 there, it's approximately 7 dollars.
Enter in every IDC site and search for cloud or VPS.
I gave up looking for servers here in brazil. Most of these datacenters from shrubbles' post are meant to big companies and they dont announce their pricing online, only custom quotes. From experience, QuadraNet Miami InfraCloud and CloudSigma Miami have great speeds and ping from/to São Paulo (~130ms).
I think I've found one:
Try to speak with the support guy, he told me that he can make a 256 MB OpenVZ VPS for R$ 14,90 which is $4,9133;to=USD;amt=14.9
Here's the cart for this custom plan:
256 MB RAM OpenVZ, 20 GB HDD, 500 GB Bandwidth, 30 Mbp/s, São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Test IP:
Thanks man. Any clue about how stable their network is ?
Edit: 200msecs from my 4g. Will test in a a few minutes when I reach the office.
Edit2 : 56 to 60 msecs via wifi
19.9 Brazilian Real equals
4.42 British Pound Sterling or 6.57 US Dollar
@wych, it is R$ 14,90 which is 3,2879 pounds
@inthecloudblog I've never used them, if you buy from them post a review because I'm interested too. I'll only buy at may first. is allocated in Alog Datacenter (Equinix), Rio de Janeiro.
Yes, that IP is in Rio. Strange, the guy told me that it was in São Paulo...
:~$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 31.016 ms 31.503 ms 32.084 ms
2 ( 31.683 ms 32.868 ms 32.228 ms
3 ( 34.807 ms 36.030 ms 34.985 ms
4 ( 36.335 ms 36.808 ms 37.667 ms
5 * * *
6 ( 51.536 ms ( 12.631 ms ( 25.329 ms
7 ( 33.087 ms * 35.840 ms
8 * * *
We'd rather have SP but at the office they decided it'd be a hassle to move the data there and they feel "fine" despite the added latency :S. If it was me I'd move to SP.
i know an good dc at Curitiba (more close to buenos aires), not leb prices, but...
anyway, Rio de janeiro is only 8~10ms from Sao Paulo.
hahahaha I found weird thing:
Traceroute from Curitiba to Buenos Aires:
Curitiba - Sao Paulo - Miami - Argentina
Ping to buenos aires ~250ms
Ping to NY ~140
Ping to Miami ~120
Ping to France 260ms
We are screwed. Which provider would be sub 20 bucks (usd) with solid network with 1 or 2 gb of ram 1 or 2 cores ( not just the static content as before ) to host multiple webs for Argentinian clients?
I think you can try EDIS Chile vps - Don't know how reliable their network is for Argentina, but I got ~70ms ping to SP.
Edis chile has routes messed up. Been a customer before in such location
solid network? :-) its hosted on Terremark / Sao Paulo.
100BRL ~ 33 USD (today)