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Looking for CPanel reseller plan
Note: the transition mentioned is scheduled for several months, starting with mid-May 2015, to test possible choices/do due diligence first.
I provide hosting to a couple dozens of sites. My current hosting provider is CrocWeb (R1 account). There's nothing wrong with the provider; however, since there can be controversy related to freedom of speech, I'd prefer to host those sites in Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, you get the idea.
If there's well-established company providing hosting in the above areas at prices (and amount of resources) matching the mentioned (or surpassing it in terms of cost-performance), I would be glad to make use of it.
Well-established in this current context means 3+ years in business, mostly positive users reviews, good hosting quality. There will be quite few support requests, I handle most of hosted sites' maintenance tasks myself. SSH access (for maintenance/backup only) would also be a good feature.
Thanks in advance. I will not discuss the mentioned controversy. The sites content doesn't contradict typical hosters' ToS/AUP guidelines. Sites are low to medium traffic and don't cause too much load.
Spain is ok?
BuyShared (from BuyVM) in Luxembourg?
If it's as good as Netherlands in terms of free speech laws - yes. However, the offer doesn't match CrocWeb R1 (20Gb disk, 2000Gb bandwidth/mo, $9.95/mo)
That might do, thanks. I have to study the free speech laws of Luxembourg first, though.
If you're in Crocweb's Montreal servers, you should have no problem with freedom of speech as long as it's not against Canada's "hate propaganda against any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation" law, then you're fine!,1054.html
@eric121 No idea about exact geolocation (MaxMInd doesn't report city/region), thanks for the information.
Sorry, we are unable to provide this price/resources relation, our shared hosting is focused for a enterprise service and we are not going to start a battle with a massive selling product.
Related with the "freedom of speech", it depends on how aggresive is the content, is not the same racial as political content... Relating about legal issues, we don't hear anything other as a legal reclamations from the spanish government.
If a judge in your country do a "Letter rogatory" to the spanish government and the spanish government decides to take care on this letter, then, they will ask us about your personal information to transfer to your country that informations.
Grab a buyshared LU and you will be all set!
@jmginer There's absolutely no problem if you haven't matching product. Thanks for the response.
@linuxthefish Looks like that atm it's the only offer here at LET. Thanks.
@nexmark nexhost had a similar offer as buyshared , I am happy with it..
Canada won't work if you deal with free speech, see also CHRC / Richard Warman
@doughmanes Aye, this is why I seek to relocate the accounts.
@praveen Thanks, going to have a look...
While we don't fit your requirements of being in business for 3+ years, I'll have some space available for you in a new managed brand we are launching. It wouldn't be a problem to lease you some space on the side, considering you've proven yourself to be knowledgeable and reasonable on the forums. I'll be happy to answer any details you may have over PM (While normally I don't mind answering in public, as this offer is custom and not available to anyone else, I'd prefer to keep it private).
Location would be in Amsterdam.
@Jonchun Thanks for your appraisal, I asked by PM. By pure coincidence, today's my birthday, so thanks again for the offer
Happy birthday!
By the way, we've been providing Webhosting since 2008 (under the domain, I'd be glad to offer you a 3 month trial, and we can match the current provider's price :-).
Although, @Francisco services are pretty good as well. We're located in UK though.
Best wishes for your business and go celebrate your birthday!
@MrGeneral Thank you!
It would be interesting to test. I prefer more choices, wherever possible.
Sure thing, Master_Bo, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll get you sorted right now!
Responded, and happy birthday! Hope you have a good one
@Jonchun Birthday with family is the one true one
@MrGeneral Done, thank you.
Login information was sent. You're welcome!
Thanks for the offer. However, all the datacenters mentioned on your site are located in the USA, which doesn't match the locations preferences.
BuyVM LU should be fine, though keep in mind it is still an US company which applies (some but not all) US laws - If you really want a company based in Iceland with servers in Iceland you will have to pay up, ESPECIALLY for 2TB BW. is one of the more popular local webhosters in IS.
Sweden... search for anyone using Portlane (or anyone using EDIS (Company: AT), HostHatch (Company: US) or Gridlane (Company: SE)).
EDIT button b0rked again
You can also generally assume that if you piss off the US too much that nearly any EU/European country would give a US agency your data (either directly or by them getting a local court to co-sign it, there are agreements in place and that usually takes no more than 2-3 days, in some countries it does not even require to be a crime locally)
While this is true, he stated that he is hosting some smaller websites that have controversial content. There is very little chance that anyone is going to go that far over small sites like his. He is probably looking for a hosting location that will simply minimize any trouble, and is not actually expecting real problems. (Otherwise, I doubt he'd be looking for shared hosting in this way. Would be better off on a cheap dedi)
Secondly, I know you couldn't have known this since I've communicated with him over PM, but he doesn't actually need 2TB Bandwidth. CrocWeb just happen to offer that much. He's looking for a plan even smaller if possible.
Since when?
Sorry, Canadian - Canadian laws apply, no DMCA but similar frameworks.
Buffalo, NY
Paris France
Germany Soon