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Looking for Employee with basic programming skills, willing to learn
I'm looking for someone to help my colleague and I in lightening our workload, by assisting in various (and varied) tasks, some involving data entry, some problem solving and some light programming problems. If you're looking for some/extra work then keep reading! Below is a general overview of what we're after.
Our basic requirements are:
A keenness to learn new things and an ability to independently problem solve
My colleague and I only speak English, so an understanding of English is a must
Good communication skills, you're able to convey your ideas/thoughts and able to tell us when you can or can't do something. You will communicate with us via Skype and email.
Basic programming skills, both client side and server side. Any experience of these is beneficial though not essential: HTML, Javascript, CSS, browser plugins, Linux, Apache, PHP and bash. Knowledge of online marketing is also advantageous, as that's our core competence. Experience with different hosting environments is also useful. You don't need to know all of these things, having a general idea of them is fine.
Some more info:
You will be working remotely, and you can choose your own hours of work, all we ask is that you keep the lines of communication open with us, via Skype and email.
We're looking to trial run with pay of $5/hour. Hours are not well defined but likely would begin with 15-20 hours a week. This is a base rate, if we like you and you're able to get on with the jobs given, you'll get rewarded accordingly. The sky is the limit. Method of payment is flexible.
We'd preferably be looking for someone from Eastern Europe, though this is not essential. This is partly due to the fact my colleague is based in the UK, so an overlap of timezones and working hours may be preferable.
If you're looking for something more long-term, we'll keep this in mind. Preference will be given to someone who wishes to realise longer-term opportunities with us.
Get in touch, provide a CV or some past work if you feel it's beneficial in telling us, just send me a private mail here on LET and we'll continue the conversation elsewhere.
Who we are:
My colleague and I have been in online marketing since the 1990's, and worked with small to multi-billion dollar companies establish and increase their web presence.
We'll provide you with much more information about us should you be interested in the work and have the potential to fill the role.
Next week we'd likely want to catch up on Skype, give you a short interview and if all is well, get you started right away.
Thanks for reading.
Also an idea of some basic tasks we have in mind, the jobs are quite varied:
Taking a list of potential webhosts, evaluating them and recording the price/plan for shared/VPS plans
Monitoring our hostings plans (and after the help of some automation), further inspect why a host may be down and try to remedy it. This would be an ongoing task.
Taking WHOIS server output and logging some information about them, such as some fingerprint text and what any rate-limiting message looks like.
Taking the firefox browser extension mozrepl and performing some basic tasks via a browser