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Cheapest one year PositiveSSL?

in Requests
I know a lot of provider here who resell PositiveSSL (basic domain validation) certificates, and often at a price lower than gogetssl($6) and namecheap($9 w/o purchase). I have seen Crissic resells them at $5/yr today, and I wonder if anyone knows any provider who does it even cheaper?
Thank you.
Get a (free) reseller account with Gogetssl and you can get better prices -- I think like $3.99/yr for PositiveSSL.
It seems to involve quite a lot of paper work and manual approval. I just need a few of them, so I'd rather not provide that much information.
got one for $4 this week. don't remember where though. cheapsslsomething :S
found it:
gogetssl is your best bet, getting a reseller from them isn't that tough.
If you contact me on your forum or through beining, I can issue you very cheap certificates.
I can offer Comodo Positive SSL(non-wildcard) at $5.50/year with no strings attached.
I've reseller account with them, and it only take one day
no need to send any document.
gogetssl are charging VAT to EU customers, so a $4 SSL suddenly become $5
If no VAT/TAX/ABN number is provided for orders within Europe, the full VAT of 21% will be added to your order.
I can do positive SSL for 4.69$/year
Order a VMBox, request the SSL and then cancel.
We have these at $4.5/year.
that is nasty.
I think certs from VMBox cannot be used outside of SingleHop network?
They don't mind.
No issues on using them elsewhere.
how much was it?
We provide these at $2.5 - $3.0 Per Year :-)
It's for personal matter. But thank you.
I usually ask $1.5 for personal use, and free if it's a non-profit public service.
I suggest you to get Comodo positive SSL certificate form CheapSSLSecurity at $5/year.
You will get SSL within minutes, no paper work required. The domain validation will be done via domain registrar's information.
I just got a reseller account there, and they didn't requested nothing at all. And so far is workign fine.
Instead, globalsign for alphassl seems to be like that. I tried and when they requested that stuff, I just ignored it.
I suggest gogetssl, no paper work is required.
If you read the OP, $5 is not cheaper than $5, but thank you.
@msg7086 pls pm
A lot of these people are getting PositiveSSLs from UK2 when they're really supposed to be used within their network. There's no way that they'd be able to sell at the low pricing they claim to without this setup.
I have a premium GoGetSSL reseller account that I am not putting to use. I am willing to sell SSLs (at my reseller base pricing) to anyone upon request (if they choose not to go through the process of signing up with them). Just PM me and I'll help you out. Base pricing for PositiveSSLs there I recall are $3.95/1 year each.
Note: I have no financial gain in this offer
@jnguyen do you think people will trust you again? and how did you get unbanned lol~
I do.
I came back to positively contribute to the community and improve my public image, not to advertise or make any financial gains. If I offer anything on this forum, it's for free.
Didn't expect that from you.
Though they ( @VMBox ) say that they don't have any problem with people using the certs outside their network, people doing so should atleast have the decency to keep their vps subscription live...(AFAIK... the guy is already providing a 1GB vps for $20/year and you get the cert on top for free)
Just got 2 domains SSLs from cheapSSLshop @ $4.75 a year. awesome
thanks guys
Gogetssl price quite cheap with reseller account, just wondering it's okay if i only register 1 ssl?
You should be fine. I've got a reseller account at gogetssl and I haven't gotten around to buying any certs yet.