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Easy shell script create virtual swap file for openvz vps
Easy shell script create virtual 1024MB swap file for openvz vps if not have swap
i found these steps and i create shell script for easy usage ,
if you want to increase the swap file you can change it in the script
chmod +x
free -m
then run free -m to check if applied or not
Note ,,, You need to run it one time only , it will auto start with system
It's worth noting this is fake swap.
may be yes , may not .
it may be good for small ram offers
Okay, so in what way does this "fake swap" differ exactly from the "real swap", as allocated by the OpenVZ provider?
"The sum of physpages.limit and swappages.limit limits the maximum amount of allocated memory which can be used by a container. When physpages limit is reached, memory pages belonging to the container are pushed out to so called virtual swap (vswap). The difference between normal swap and vswap is that with vswap no actual disk I/O usually occurs. Instead, a container is artificially slowed down, to emulate the effect of the real swapping. Actual swap out occurs only if there is a global memory shortage on the system."
Probably I will try on 64MB VPS.
Okay, I'm aware how vSwap - that's actually "fake swap" - works, hence my question above
Now, with respect to the "real swap" (traditional swap file on disk) introduced in this thread: say, I have a 128MB container with no vSwap allocated, will this add-on swap really work?
This is indeed "fake info of VPS swap". That means it does not actually change your VPS swap, just change the info displayed to system & users
anyone knows how to test if Linux is using this fake SWAP or not
I don't get your question but see blow.
If your VPS is a OpenVZ VPS and has Swap values > 0 MB in free -m output then your VPS has vSwap.
After looking at the script, this just overwrites the /proc/meminfo settings, and actually never makes a swapfile.
So, this is nothing more then a lie?
Yea, cheating on java :P