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Kimsufi vs Hetzner - what deal is best?
Just wanted to test some dedicated servers this month. Long time since last time, around 10 years.
I got my Kimsufi KS-3 Core™ i5-750 4c / 4t 2.67 GHz+ 16 GB RAM 2 TB 100 Mbps (rated at 3740 ) for €14.99/mo and I found this excellent guide to how to install Windows on it.
Today I got a Hetzner Intel Core i7-2600 4c/8t, 16 GB RAM, 2x HDD 3,0 TB SATA with 1gbit "unlimited" BW (max 20 TB/month then 10mbit speed the rest of the time). This server is rated at 8307, over twice the power then the Kimsufi server, with 3 times more disk, and 1gbit connection and not 100mbit as at Kimsufi. The price €27/mo - no setup fee.
But here I can't find any guide to how to install my own .iso file with Windows Server. Beside paying them €21 to use their LARA system.
I also see that I can get a Intel Core i7-3770, 32 GB RAM, 2 x 3 TB server for just €6/mo more at Hetzner (€33/mo) (rated at 9445)
Any way to install Windows on Hetzner beside paying them for LARA?
And beside that, what deal is best of the KS-3 and Core i7-2600 (or Core i7-3770). Most bang for my money..
Thinking about funding this with closing down a VPS or two, still keep my main servers at iwStack, but closing down a couple of other servers, and use the dedicated server for several tasks.
Install proxmox (or another virtualization platform), then install windows inside a VM.
LARA is free for 3 hours
How about just ditching Windows and using a GNU/Linux-based OS already? You're riding your bicycle for 10 years, and still can't give up that training wheel on it.
Aside from that, @rds100 gave a good solution, also lets you to make some more VPSes with different OSes for different tasks.
Got this reply when I ask for free LARA and the option to install from my own .iso
We can offer to connect your iso using an usb stick for 25€ once. Please note that we do not support the virtual media function of the lara remote console, so we can not help you if your installation is not working using this.
Hit me up, I can probably make a custom template with the drivers for the Hetzner server build in. Can only do it on Monday on the earliest though.
What the prob? Put into rescue and do the same as kimsufi.
Is it possible? I can't find any guide for it, so I was sure it was not possible to do that.
Rescue is available for all Hetzner dedis, it "should" function. Just take the tutorial from joodle.
OK. Can I use the same file that I used on my Kimsufi server then?
Maybe drivers are missing, basically yes.
How did you get one for €27? Cheapest I can see one for is €32?
Hetzner have far better hardware IMO! But KS have ddos protection and AFAIK i don't think hetzner have any, or not popular at least.
Server bidding, actually it cost €26.8/mo - no setup fee, no contract. We are talking about the Intel Core i7-2600 4c/8t, 16 GB RAM, 2x HDD 3,0 TB SATA server?
sounds like difference regarding VAT?
It's an auction remember, the prices go down every so often. It really depends what they set the fixed price at (it does vary even on same spec listings).
Actually, there's one at serverbidding for the same €27 right now (without VAT).
@Infinity580 Yeay.. I got Windows on my Hetzner server using @joodle Kimsufi .gz file.
The only thing I have to try to fix, is the disks, since it's not GPT disks, so they only have 2 TB then 700 GB partitions. Will try out a program now to if I can fix it. If not, just have to be creative.
I see that I will loose 700 GB, since I can't convert the boot disk to GPT. But, still, I have 5.3 GB to play with
. (I could convert the second 3 TB to GPT so there I can use all space)
With Hetzner, you can install any OS you want, because they provide LARA/KVM, it's not hard like Kimsufi
+1 for Hetzner !!
I got Corei7 + 24Gb ram + 4x1Tb HDD with Hraid for 40 euros.
+1 for hetzner. More CPU power, HDD and much better support.
Just changed server now, it was OK for Hetzner. Got a Intel Core i7-3770, 32 GB RAM, 2 x 3 TB server with 1 gbit port (20TB max, then 10mbit) . no setup fee, no contract, 14 days free cancel/money back option for €30/mo, after following one server on their serverbidding. So a better CPU (1200+ more in rating) and 16 GB more RAM for just €3/mo
Just be careful how many times you return a server under the 14 day policy, they do have a limit and if you hit it they won't allow you to order anything again whether from serverbidding or not.
Can you show me the page etc. about this?
There is no page about it (or not that I am aware), I have seen people in the past moan and groan that they have been prevented from ordering again due to returning servers too many times within 14 days.
It should not be a surprise, any company that offers a free trial will not allow that to be abused.
I figured there would be something, im curious as to what that limit is now, 5-10 or higher.
I never seemed to have returned a server; maybe I just know what I want.
I have no plans returning more servers, think I got the best deal on the current server. And I asked with a ticket before I did it, had they said no, I had not changed servers.
But still, always good to know if there is a actual limit. I can understand that people can abuse this, since they can follow the serverbidding, and then just take a better offer. (like me, but I traded up)