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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
What when providers delay to setup a new vps?
I ordered a new vps on January 23rd and the service provisioned just today, 6 days later. The next billing date is on February 23rd. This is not the only privider with such behavior. Don't you think that providers should start billing when they deliver a service and not before that, or, at least, extend service for the period that it wasn't ready? (For the records, thiw case is about CVPS and I already opened a ticket requesting an extension of the billing period and waiting how will they handle it, but I think that they should do it automatically).
Most people change the billing date, it should be no issue.
Shouldn't this be done automatically? Opening ticket and create discussion with a provider, is not a lost time only for provider but for client, also.
it has to be on provision date, don't matter if they revise, change, alter and what not
An honest provider will do it automatically. That said, honest mistakes do happen, so it's not fair to write off a provider just because it wasn't done automatically..
I don't think there is a way to automatically configure this in WHMC, however when activating an order some hosts will change manually.
Of course the provider should adjust the next due date. Now if the order was placed on the late evening of 23rd and delivered in the morning on 24th, it's not a big deal and an adjustment might be unnecessary. But 6 days are 6 days and the customer should not pay for the 6 days of non-service.
best remedy always, would be to limit available stock so that billing app may provision instantly, hence avoid uncalled for issues
Thank you for the good advice!
CVPS extend the billing date short after my ticket. But I still think that an extension should be automatically.
not necessarily, we are human, not "robot" and tend to make minor mistakes
Indeed, however in this case 6 days infers manual activation. So when the person that reviewed and activated the VPS part of the process should have been to check when it was processed and adjust the billing accordingly.
true but they could have just run job queue to provision after setting up the new node which will result in such an error plus forgetting to revise date manually
if i order a vps then i accept a 12-24 hrs deployment delay incase its all being done manually, if its about a dedicated server then i expect a maximum delay of 3 days. (non business related services, just for personal use.)
yup, that's your right and if it's not done within specified time frame to request a refund since the service is not available. however, this varies amongst hosts.
Well to be honest that is not acceptable when you are taking 6 days to approve a service, any provider should be aware of the time to provision and recourse to the customer as a result of any delay.
for details, you'll need to check with CVPS, not me. for my end, just providing insight into provisioning n billing
That is why I said any provider, not specifically CVPS.
yes, of course
Its generally down to the way WHMCS does its invoicing. We have had issues of needing to manually update due dates when there is a delay in service deployment, but WHMCS doesnt set the next billing date a month from when the service is "active" just from when you ordered.
Generally a quick ticket can resolve it though with hosts.