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Astounding Host - YEARLY from $25 - MONTHLY from $6.50 - OpenVZ - SolusVM | PayPal | Liberty Reserve
Astounding Host has been in business for over a year, providing quality services & support. We're not "resellers" as some may say, we use our own dedicated servers for all services (Shared, Reseller & VPS). All of our VPS nodes are powered by OpenVZ.
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Test IP (Phoenix, AZ):
If you have any questions, please reply back to this thread, submit a ticket here, drop me a PM or send an email to [email protected]
We will try and help you, even if you are unmanaged. We don't leave you sitting there searching through Google for hours on end.
Thanks for reading.
Cart shows: $23.00 USD Annually
@liam If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, why not just make 37 the minimum? :P
I kid.
Thank you for reporting that cart error. I've gone ahead and rectified this.
I guess it's better than the 0 he tried with earlier on today.. :P
@Infinity - I'm new to the LET community and wasn't aware of what was required. I'm not some "fly-by" person who advertises and disappears, rest assured. I will be sticking around on the community.
Thank you.
@liam - I did read the sticky topic at the top of the forum and mis-read. I made a mistake, we all do it.
A quick google search showed
We advertise on that forum, yes. We do not allow nor endorse any hacking material however. That is made perfectly clear. Anyone found to be hosting anything in violation of US law is suspended or terminated depending on the severity of the situation.
@AstoundingHost why would you advertise on hack forum if you do not allow hacking related clients? I mean, seriously!
We get a lot of legitimate clients from HF. We have fraud systems in place which block most people who are going to try and use our services for malicious purposes (i.e. those signing up from proxies, using false details, etc). If in doubt, we phone verify any suspicious orders.
Woot Woot, looks like we got a nulled WHMCS up in here.
Your site doesn't load, your whmcs comes out as invalid and you are getting LEGIT (?) users from HF! hallelujah!
Why it's showing as invalid I don't know, I've just contacted WHMCS about this. The license was perfectly fine yesterday, it hasn't expired either.
We are facing some connection intermittency at the moment on our main site. Our provider have been informed of this.
The license issue is resolved.
As for the site, it's a DDoS attack which we're working on.
Why would a provider advertising on a hacker forum get DDOS attacked? Doesn't make sense.
So basically..
"Im not sure why its showing nulled Pays for a license, there we go its fixed"
"We get a lot of legitimate users from Hackforums but dont endorse hacking Gets DDoS'd"
I don't know about any other WHMCS customers, but i don't get a response that fast.
No, look at the screenshot above. Jamison O said it was a mistake and it has been fixed.
Ok, Why does the ticket subject has "termination"?
I asked why the license had been marked as terminated and it was a mistake. I'd be more than happy to provide you with a screenshot of the entire ticket, as well as proof that my invoice was paid a while ago and is not due just yet and that I didn't just this second buy it.
WHMCS: Legitimate, paid for. Error on Buycpanel/whmcs site.
Site down: DDoS attack, work in progress.
Wonder how many time that happens
I usually don't get involved in such discussions for obvious reasons, but all I see are accusations based on assumptions. The concept of "shoot first ask questions later" seems to be happening a lot here, no respect whatsoever.
@stylexnetworks It's because we are Low enders, bottom feeders, crappy people, but if you survive here, you may be able to prolong your business for a while, otherwise they will strip you down to bare skin and whip so hard that you would never want to come back here.
Welcome to LET!!!
Honestly, these are valid concerns in my opinion.
Edit: that's why you need to be a "real" member of this community first. So you understand us more.
@stylexnetworks - Indeed. I love criticism, don't improve without it.