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virtual visa card
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virtual visa card

alimosavialimosavi Member
edited November 2014 in General

Hi ,
what is your opinion ? is it ok to use virtual visa card ?
if i use vcc my own credit card will be safe from hackers because i don't use it :)

how can i find good prepaid vcc provider ?



  • vcc is valid for a day at max , acts as a 1 time use ( in India ) thats the case. Its safer because you only store a limited amount in it and it acts as a disposable card.

  • @alimosavi ... YES... Naturally your original card issuer (from my understanding, you already have one) will be the best choice and most offer it for free... my visa vcc (through ICICI,India is free and is valid until my actual card expires in 2018 and is restricted only by credit limit and has its own security details)...

    Browse through your credit card account menu (once logged in) , you normally should find an option to create your vcc's

  • Qiwi visa

  • @alimosavi We can do it for you PM

  •, though not many well known stores accept it

  • is the best VCC provider.

  • TriDoxiuM said: TriDoxiuM

    Cannot be loaded from outside RU, just waste time :)

  • problem when there s no physical card and provider wants a scan

  • fitvpnfitvpn Member
    edited November 2014

    kerouac said: kerouac

    There no ways get plastic without ID

  • i also use neteller

  • Am I the only person that reads this as Nutella?

    Thanked by 2Pwner trewq
  • I have no credit card. I registered neteller, customer service called me that i have to accept any amounts of transfer from another neteller user to verify my account.

    Anybody can help transfer any amounts of balance, and i'll pay back your balance via paypal.

    Sorry, if out of topic. Moderator may delete this post if considered breaking the LET rules.


  • BradBrad Member
    edited November 2014

    @0xdragon said:
    Am I the only person that reads this as Nutella?

    It seems so :)

  • KerberosKerberos Member
    edited November 2014

    Entropay is great.

  • @nadz - if you are US based they can do an ID check via your SSN

  • @nadz said:
    I have no credit card. I registered neteller, customer service called me that i have to accept any amounts of transfer from another neteller user to verify my account.

    How is this going to verify your account? I don't get it.

  • what your idea about ?
    I open one account but i don't have perfectmoney $ to use there reseller :

  • Last time i checked bancore they had very bad fees

    Thanked by 1TheKiller
  • @MuZo said:
    Last time i checked bancore they had very bad fees

    They are still expensive.

  • nadznadz Member
    edited November 2014

    @DalComp Customer service called me. Usually they only accept $30 deposit for auto verify. For my case, i can answer all they security questions via phone so they only ask for any amounts to verify.

    @MarkTurner thanks fyi, but i'm Indonesian. It's kinda hard for indonesian to get something legal because some of fraudster out there, even though i already sent them my photo id. :(

    Thanked by 1vRozenSch00n
  • vRozenSch00nvRozenSch00n Member
    edited November 2014

    nadz said: but i'm Indonesian. It's kinda hard for indonesian to get something legal because some of fraudster out there, even though i already sent them my photo id. :(

    This is one of the reason that I use Skrill.

    I don't use PayPal as I got banned for canceling multiple auto payment to hostrail and several bad services. Emailing and calling them really don't work. I sent them scan of my ID, and my CC bill (it comes from a regional bank), but they still require my utility bills. The problem is I only use prepaid phone, prepaid electricity, and dig my own well, so I can't give them that.

    Sorry for derailing.

  • Entropay or paypal is probably the best (although paypal is a mastercard)

  • DalCompDalComp Member
    edited November 2014

    @nadz Open an account with Bank BNI, and you can use their VCN feature for free. It's similar to VCC and can be requested on any amount via SMS, well as long as you have enough in your account. Helped me a lot with some online transactions.

    @vRozenSch00n Yeah PayPal limitation thing is PITA for new account. I've been using PayPal since 2005 and the first 3-4 years my account got limited quite every few months or so. I don't have any utility bills on my name, but I could use bank statement as an alternative.

    Thanked by 2nadz sirmbhe
  • @DalComp I signed up for PayPal in 2005 too, and that time my account was verified. I only have a saving account not checking/current account :), while the passbook only state the name, account number, and name of local branch.

  • DalCompDalComp Member
    edited November 2014

    @vRozenSch00n I only have saving account too. Some banks like Permata Bank send you monthly statement (which I used for PayPal), otherwise you should be able to get a bank statement by contacting the bank. Certainly not the passbook. :D

  • I have Permata account too. Maybe I have to ask them for a bank statement, as it seems that it doesn't come by default :)

  • Well using Myself & they offer MasterCard with US Bank Checking account which is what i can't live with. Using that bank account to recieve monthly pay from one of US company i work with & using that card to pay for all of my online things which includes vultr,, greenvaluehost etc.

  • @Sady said:
    Well using Myself & they offer MasterCard with US Bank Checking account which is what i can't live with. Using that bank account to recieve monthly pay from one of US company i work with & using that card to pay for all of my online things which includes vultr,, greenvaluehost etc.

    Nice affiliate link... real link is ....

  • @Foul said:

    Well yes, you'll also have $25 if you'll use any referral :D

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