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Where to sell adult website?
Dear all,
I own a niche adult website that is online since more than 6 years in the meantime. This website is somehow precious to me. Not really because of the content, but because the growth of the site was the reason why I started to learn what I know today about Linux administration, webserver optimization and server technology in general.
However, I have reached a certain age and it feels as if it is time to say good-bye. I could, of course, just say "farewell" and shut it down. But I have spent quite some time and money on that project during the years and the fact that it has around 10,000 - 14,000 visitors each day and approx. 500,000 daily pageviews and more than 17,000 images online, I wondered if there is any way to sell a site like this. Just letting it die would feel strange somehow. Especially as it is the largest and most established website in its very niche worldwide.
Are you aware of a place where I could try to find a serious buyer for a site like this? It should be noted that most of the content originates from contributions, so I do not own the copyright of the content.
Any hint would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards
Before I can offer any sound advice, I'll need a link.
PM me how much you want for it.
WHT has a forum for selling domains with websites. I've seen some decently sized websites traded there. No idea if it's a good place for your site, though.
I would assume that adult websites with mostly user generated content are not the right fit at WHT?
@Amitz - Send me some details, I already own a few adult sites I may be interested.
Take a look at namepros
Wow, I have received quite some private messages in the meantime. :-)
Just to clarify some things:
I have no price idea at all. Someone once offered me USD 5,000 for it, but I was not interested in a sale at any price at that time. I have no idea if this would have been a good or bad price.
And: No. The site does not generate any revenue because I never tried to monetize it.
Kind regards
You have mail, a link would be nice too
Dear all,
I answered all Private Messages until now. It is close to midnight in my timezone so I will try to get some sleep soon. I will reply to all further messages tomorrow!
Kind regards
500,000 daily page views is a lot. That website could generate some money.
If you dont mind could you send me the link? And why not monetise it?
Link to my Inbox please
I understand this site has a LOT of views daily but really? It's a free to use site and doesn't cost much to run depending on where the content is from so why not keep it free.
If you were going to monetise the best way to make money from it would be to add a premium section for a small yearly fee of like $20 to get pre-release access to new photos and have some exclusives. I peronally would much prefur to use a site like that and pay the money rather than having a million ads telling me how to make my dick bigger is 2 weeks.
I personally would like to see this site stay open to all and ad free, that's always the best way. Money isn't everything!
I thought running adult website was illegal on webhostingtalk etc.They say only legal adult content allowed.Does your website have legal adult content?
If the visitor is old enough to view adult materials in his/her country and all girls are of age there should be no issue.
It may however be against WHT ToS/Policies to allow adult listings but this wouldn't be illegal.
PM me with a link. Then we may talk.
PM Link please
Dear all,
the private messages that I have received contained a lot of good advice. Thank you all for this!
One thing became clear to me: Whoever buys the site at a price that let's me think that working on it for 6 years was worth it, will have to put quite some ads on it to get his investment back. Furthermore, he/she will struggle with unclear copyright situations and other attached risks.
But this is something I never wanted, if I think about it. That site only contained ads for a VERY short time and it annoyed even myself as owner so much that I did not want to keep them there and removed them quite swiftly.
I like (ad-)free things. When I started my internet history over 20 years ago, things there have been free for all (Internet Access excluded). It is a pity that the internet became so overly monetized.
Therefore I only see 2 alternatives:
1./ I shut the site down and forget the 500,000 daily pageviews. But this would be a real pity for the regular visitors. And I would somehow kill one of "my babies". As said, without that site, I would never have learned what I know today in terms of system administration and hosting.
2./ I hand the site (and all attached strings) over to another enthusiast who will carry the weight in future for no costs.
I guess I will have to sleep some nights over that decision. But again, thank you all for clearing up my mind. You have been a great help!
Kind regards
Out of interest, how much does the site costs in terms of hardware?
If the content is added by the site members then there isn't "that much" work except system administration?
Always interested in Adult sites, own a few already (also heavy streaming intensive and alike, so BW is not an issue)
Sell it on
This place isn't the right demographics nor budget
Shame, as things need paid for and generally users understand this.
An alternative, offer an affiliate/marketer a share of revenue and let them monetise the site. It doesn't have to be ads, it may be a newsletter or some other avenue.
"2 - I hand the site (and all attached strings) over to another enthusiast who will carry the weight in future for no costs."
That would be the best option, as I said in my PM. Keep it as it is and give it to a new owner who will do the same other than making it more popular. Once he/she has finished hand it down the line to the next person who would be an ideal owner for this project.
Free is always good and it should stay that way. People such as myself with all these unused VPS's and dedicated servers could make this site a big thing by clustering it and adding videos to increase the user-base, also categories. Gay/Bi/Black/While etc...
ITT: a bunch of people wanting to watch MikHo's porn.
Shhh, stop giving everyone the same awesome idea.
You would need alot of ads to cover all parts of my body.

LEB/T is happening all over again! If you do this, please give it to the right person. If you fail to do so, CC will own it sooner or later
I'm pretty sure that won't happen!!!
@Amitz Please PM me link & how much you want for everythig and maybe we can make a deal.