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Looking for Leapswitch 48 $ vps.Anybody selling?
Hi LET Members
This is my first post on LET.Recently found about an awesome deal leapswitch offered sometime back.I am looking for their Open VZ offer which costed 48 $ per year for 1 GB openvz vps.I contacted Ishan,he is really a nice guy,and he gently told me that the offer has ended and I cannot avail it,which is totally acceptable.
Is anybody here willing to sell the same vps I am mentioning about.Payment via paypal.
EDIT: I have one of those cheap dedis from (1.99 Euros) ,3 GB openvz from WLS(paid yearly) and 512 MB openvzSSD from Ramnode(paid yearly with 42 % recurring coupon).I can transfer one of the boxes for good deal.
I don't think allows to transfer their servers
@c1bl I also have one of 3 GB boxes from WLS paid yearly and 512 MB openvz SSD from Ramnode paid yearly with their 42 % recurring coupon.I can transfer one of them if I get good deal!
You are willing to give away an online dedibox for an OpenVZ ? Something fishy ... :P
@obakfahad yes I am willing . The reason is vps in India. There aren't any cheap providers here and I plan on hosting a website and an app targeting India. Nothing is fishy latency matters
Order at Prometeus and get a India box?
Prometeus doesn't have as good plans as LS had back then. E.g. they offer less bandwidth.
@arpanjot you should check out DigitalOcean SG. There are various coupons for it frequently, and also $10 from referral links, so it's easy to try if it fits your needs.
@Infinity580 I have one with prometeus in Italy and they are rock solid but when compared to leapswitch back offer they are expensive .48$ for 1 gb vps is really hard in India
@rm_ thank you for suggestions my second option will definitely be do or vultr if they launch sg location.however would still prefer Indian location..
I think you should choose UK,FR,IT or SG for better latency from India. I have a UK vps which has low latency from my country ... not lower than SG ... but its good.
@obakfahad I'll definitely take your suggestions thank you... bandwidth costs are higher in India however I think hardware is still same....wondering why there aren't any LEB providers here...
Less up-links, Almost zero Data-centres ... Load Shedding ! :P
Well, the Chinese built a world class infrastructure, then walled everything off from the outside world with a mega firewall. The Indian govt went another way: no internet infrastructure to speak off (except expensive 3G), so no need for a firewall and an expensive security apparatus to keep people in their place, I guess.
Guys still looking for Indian vps please help someone check it
micronet costs twice as much as the op requires it to be... he is looking for a $48/year on the 1GB
@praveen even after 50% discount micronet is still expensive compared to ls
@arpanjot sorry I didn't notice the pricing requirement. VPS in India is costly, luckily I got a 512 MB KVM vps from leapswitch 1 year ago in an offer and happy with it
@praveen lucky you :P