All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Best place to watch for cheap reseller hosting promos? Host raising renewal price without notice.
If I hadn't noticed it now, I would be in a lurch come renewal (I'm good for another 6 months). I signed up with (yes, I'm going to name and shame in this case, for the first time ever) for a WHT promo a couple years ago ( $10/year for reseller hosting with 25GB space, 750GB BW, and CPanel. A great deal. There were some hiccups, but I don't really use the hosting for much, so I stuck with them (I got it because it was cheaper than shared hosting and I could create individual CPanel accounts to keep my various domains separate). Now, the main thing I use is the CPanel DNS manager to manage my various IP redirects. My client area shows that in the past 6 months, my bandwidth usage is 0MB (it's probably true; I just have a few GB of documents and other files there that I had uploaded on the off chance that needed to access them remotely).
Anyway, I went into my client area today for the first time in a long time and noticed that the recurring rate listed was several times higher than my promo rate. I contacted them about it and was told that they are discontinuing my promotion and replacing it with a plan that is almost that same price per month. facepalm Of course, there was absolutely no notice of this given - this is what annoys me.
Anyway, what would you guys and gals recommend I do to look for another very cheap hosting plan? I'm most likely not going to stick with the same company, since I'm not comfortable that I can trust them after this unilateral switcheroo with no notice. Fortunately, I'm in no rush, since my previous payment covers me for almost another 6 months, but I don't want to have to scramble at the last moment. I do have several VPS (that are all idling afaik), but I like having my domains hosted separately so that I don't have to worry about if what I'm messing about with on the VPS will require a format to fix. Thanks!
buyshared(by buyvm) reseller hosting with dedicated ip? think it's 24 dollar for reseller or 5 for shared unlimited domain.
I'd also recommend Buyshared:
Its highly likely they realized that a plan like that is not sustainable and just did it to try and load up on customers.
Less than $1 per month for 750gb of bandwidth? I couldn't afford to offer that and keep my servers up for more than a month lol.
Keep an eye on WHT for another deal like that I suppose would be the best option.
@belinik @colm: @Francisco pointed me towards the BuyShared offerings and they do seem like a great deal from a solid provider. My current hosting is already paid for for almost another 6 months, but I think I will keep an eye on BuyShared and WHT. I suspect I'll end up going with BuyShared (current offer: $2/month for 20GB/1TB/dedi IP reseller hosting in LV).
True, but it seems strange it would take them 4 years to figure out that it's not sustainable lol.
Especially given that it's shared hosting. A lot more administrative overhead costs associated with keeping a shared hosting environment nice, clean and running smoothly. At least with low-end VMs you have isolation and separation between the customers. Tracking/eliminating abuse is simple.
@user123 If you go with BuyShared remember to use the included dedicated IP as the main shared IP is not stable.
Agreed, but my surprise was that it took them 4 years to make that determination. My annoyance was their complete lack of communication about the automatic price change.
@colm : thanks for the heads up
This was addressed after the first week or two once we realized that cpanel was kinda derpy in how IP's were bound to resellers.
Thanks for the interest,
Yeah a reseller account with that kind of disk space and bandwidth shouldn't be sold for under $1/Mo that just irresponsible.
I'd be willing to work something out for you on my shared hosting server via pm but I don't think I can get that cheap. However I don't overload my servers and have a lot of restrictions in place for abuses. Just pm me with a realistic budget and I'll put something together for you on my Chicago servers.
Do you interested about cloudlinux + interworx + Premium softcalous combo?
Let me know if your still on the hunt I may be able to work something out.
You just can't go wrong with @Francisco :-)
I have a whm master reseller (bought from lol) I can give you 100 gig space, 1000 gig bandwidth, unlimited cpanel accounts for the low low price of: FREE*
Thank you for all the kind offers, guys and gals. As I mentioned, my current hosting is still valid for another several months. I will probably be looking again closer to that time. When I made this thread, I was still a bit in shock at the sudden unannounced price increase and was worried that I wouldn't have any reasonably-priced options. But, you have shown me that there are some great, reasonably-priced options.
Update: It looks like even though my contact information was accurate, my last name auto-filled as just the initial and my order from a non-US IP was automatically assumed to be placed through a VPN(?).
Sorry to gravedig this thread, but I find myself in the very frustrating position of needing to find this after my previous reseller hosting expired a couple days ago.
I had been trying to sign up for the oft-recommended BuyShared reseller hosting for over a week and @Francisco was initially very helpful. But, in the end, it does not seem like it will work out; in the service ticket I opened (there was an initial issue with MaxMind not letting me go to the payment page after ordering because I was physically located in a different place than my billing address; I cleared this up with Francisco and he instructed me to open a ticket), I received a two-line reply from Aldryic accusing me of not reading their TOS and committing fraud (which - aside from being shocking - was untrue).
I would have waited longer before soliciting other recommendations, but I haven't received any reply from Francisco since Friday and my previous hosting is now offline. I do still hope he'll reach out and clarify what happened, since the dissonance between my conversation with him and my support ticket with Aldryic doesn't make any sense. Being without hosting was particularly difficult since I was travelling and I use my hosting as a convenient place to host documents I may need quick access to while travelling.
Did you put in a ticket to billing to explain things to Aldryic?
He's strict but reasonable. He has issues if you don't provide us proper information. If you have a real privacy concern where you don't want full details perma in our DB just let aldryic know and he'll make sure to flag your account properly for that.
As I said, he's reasonable, just let him know of your concerns and he'll normally do right by you
Thanks for the clarification! Because of my work, privacy is a huge concern. I replied again to the ticket saying as much. Cheers
No problem.
We're big on privacy, we document such in our TOS/AUP.
Glad we could get over that hurdle
almost forgotten, i have an account in netmagics. shared hosting from promo a few years ago.
08 april 2011 hosting account delivered in server zeus (Scranton, USA)
10 may 2011 hdd bad sector, need reinstall server (yes it's single hdd no raid). moved to zeus v2
10 june 2011 hdd corrupt because power outage in DC, moved to srv31 (orlando, FL)
04 nov 2012 "scheduled for upgradation" to a brand new server with better performance and dependability. moved to srv8 (LA, US)
28 feb 2013 "we are going to switch your accounts from SRV8 to a brand new server since we faced a lot of Hardware issues in our server SRV8" moved to srv8 v2 (florida? )
26 april 2014 "scheduled for a migration to a brand new server as part of our routine service upgradation" moved to srv12 (LA, US) until now
not complain for $15/3y hahaha