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[IPXCORE] USA VPS with awesome support!
Adam and I have been doing Internet services since 2003 as Digital Design Core. We moved into the VPS market in May of 2011 as IPXcore. We started this because we were on a BurstNET node that kept getting oversold, and we were unable to get any form of support. We decided that we could do better.
All of our nodes are located at Atjeu Publishing in Phoenix, AZ, and transited through a mix of Cox and Integra/ELI. Many of our Asian and European customers tell us they get great connectivity on this mix.
We're running OpenVZ virtualization on our very own Dell and HP Opteron-powered hardware.
All nodes are on 100 megabit. We're no longer running with the 20-megabit-per-connection restriction. If you've tried us in the past and found that our network was slow, try us again.
Use promo code NEWDATACENTER for recurring 10% off!
The Offers:
**4 CPU cores
128mb RAM
160mb burst RAM (vswap available on request)
5gb Disk Space
50gb bandwidth
$1.79 per month:
($1.61 per month with promo code)
4 CPU cores
192mb RAM
224mb burst RAM
10gb Disk Space
100gb bandwidth
$3.49 per month:
($3.14 per month with promo code)
4 CPU cores
320mb RAM
384mb burst RAM (vswap available on request)
20gb Disk Space
200gb bandwidth
$5.99 per month:
($5.39 with promo code)
Test IP:
Additional IPv4 addresses available for $1.50 per month apiece, with justification.
Special:16 IPv4 addresses for $20 per month
We're working on IPv6.
Need ram/disk space/bandwidth? We'll work with you; contact us with your requirements.
We also do custom plans. Please contact us with your requirements.
Time travel? :P
btw really nice offers, too bad its west coast
Ah yes we did miss that. I'll update my posting. Thanks!
Do you have any smaller boxes? Could use some 32mb ones(1gb disk\5gb bw) for proxy
Nice offer Damian
Might even have a play with one myself.
Damian, any chance to pay annually the Tiny plan?
@hayhayday: We could do that for 50 cents per month. $1.5/qtr or $3/half year or $6/year, your choice.
@AnthonySmith: Thanks!
@prometeus: Yes, if you sign up, open a support ticket with us requesting that you'd like to pay annually, and we'll send an invoice for the difference.
Done, thank you :-)
site down
site up
We're now mostly out of stock. Thanks everyone!