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VPS monitoring/status scripts weight
There are many server monitors and status scripts, like some use Nagios, Munin, Zabbix and maybe many other ways. The question is what is the lightest server monitoring systems/scripts? And at the same time which monitors are known for producing high load on servers?
Munin creates some heavy load every 5 minutes with default settings. You can space the cron further apart or use CGI instead to reduce this though.
Might be helpful if you mention what sort of monitoring you're looking for. What do you need and what can you live without?
only used munin and cacti and I prefer cacti just because you can use better templates for mysql stats and multiple memcached servers.
srcd uses minimal CPU and about 3 MB of RAM
@herbyscrub: thanks for the tip.
@drmike: Among all sorts of monitoring that VPS can benefit of? :X
@eva2000: Thanks for the tip.
@maxexcloo: Going to try that, thanks
+1 for scrd. I'm going to be working on a more complete monitoring solution, based on scrd + nikki's status page script.
wtf is scrd? Google-fu doesn't work.
Thanks Nick, I was thinking on that script, but didn't knew it's name
+1 for scrd also. It's excellent to use as a platform to build your own monitoring script.