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Or I can pay someone to set it up for me on my exiting VM
If it's a windows PC you can try
Do you have native IPv6? If you do, make sure that they are /64. /48 if I remember correctly is not supported by OpenVPN.
I would do it for you, but I don't have a computer at the moment.
the very easiest way to do this without installing anything on your vps is, configure bitvise ssh client with proxy tunnel + use proxifier with the tunnel. they will also tunnel your vps's ipv6
there is no trace of ipv6 in my country but i use it for ipv6 related tasks

I use to run OpenVPN on Bridge / TAP mode. In that case, I only tunnel IPv6 traffic and won't affect my IPv4 traffic. However, not sure why some provider won't allow me to bridge/TAP
gogo6 is so slow....
I wouldn't mind a guide on how to bridge IPv6 only. I'm on Windows 8 as my desktop, and it blows up if the primary adapter has v6 only (sites on v4 don't load, as my routes all go into the OpenVPN client when it onlines the TAP device.)
Probably something wrong with my client config now that I think about it...
I did not send any IPv4 address over OpenVPN. You could uncheck "IPv4" protocol on your Openvpn TAP.
Well, I think some provider filtering MAC. So not every provider can do Bridge
we do allow tap device on our vps but i have no idea if it will work with ipv6. ipv6 is still very new and not implemented individually at all, and for now it is supposed to work in addition to ipv4. right now in many vps planels you cant even create ipv6 only vps
You guys don't even need to use TAP for this. TUN does work on OpenVPN 2.3+
Take a look at this:
@dnwk if you still can't figure it out, contact me via PM.
Looks like you don't understand how does TAP work
Thanks. I just found out your previous post.
gogo6 is kind of slow, only have servers on Canada
and HE, is nice, but if your ip changes, you have to configure all again
That's exactly the reason I want a private tunnel broker
by the way, does your VPS have /64 for IPv6?
Haven't used gogo6 in a while since my ISP has native v6.. if I recalled correctly they had more than one location and service was good, but all that could have changed by now.
no, mines only have /127 but you can install a /64 from HE