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GreenCloudVPS.COM | Hyper-V/VMWare | 9GB SSD or 15GB SAS- 1GB RAM - 1Gbps Windows VPS from $7/month!
GreencloudVPS providing high class hosting solutions since 2013. We believe in defining superior service when it comes to virtual private servers and dedicated servers on a quality network and best support. You can contact us via both Live Chat, Skype or Tickets.
Why Us?
- Based on SSD & SAS drives
- Fast ticket response
- 24x7 Professional Tech Support
- 99.9% Network Uptime Guaranteed
- Hyper-V & VMWare Virtualization
- Low Latency
- 1Gbps Network Connection
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- Custom Packages
- 7 days money back guarantee!
- VPS Control Panel on VMWare Nodes
Locations: Our servers are located in the US & Canada, we have few servers in France too.
IP Test:
Please use the coupon LET at checkout to get $7/month on 1GB RAM Windows VPS!
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- 9GB Pure SSD or 15GB SAS HDD
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- Connection 1Gbps
- Unmetered Bandwidth
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Need bigger plans? Or need a special package with high CPU Usage or even Torrents, please check our SEO Tools Optimized/Seedboxes here!
Payment Method: Paypal, Perfect Money, Webmoney
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