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not yet, i wanna know if there is something i can do on my part first
What's the problem? Looks like a normal graph to me.
why incoming traffic suddenly jump to 1 m/s since may 18. I have this vps for months and the configs are the same for months
Check trafshow and look at the destination port where heavy traffic is going to. Then do netstat -lnp to see which process is serving them. If it's a web server, check web server logs.
I have been looking at trafshow and netstat, mostly http traffic and sometimes google dns queries, nothing out of ordinary, but according to solus stat I have spike every 20 mins or so
Your VPS took a maternity leave...
Perhaps it got hacked and an email/webpage scraper is running?
install iftop and run it. you will see what is the bandwidth spike
also, if you are hosting static files, it could be your site has less traffic, and people come in intervals. when they request a file the graph fires up. i suspect this because 1m is quite low bandwidth being consumed
comment removed due to insults
Or turn off passwords completely and use certs
when does those logs become ssh problem !?
btw, found the problem ( not really though). it's one of the nginx rewrite rule I play with lately. I redirect bad request, bad bots and such to ovh 10g file, somehow nginx download that 10g file too when bad requests happen. I'm going to test one by one now which rule cause the problem x_x
stop spamming please
whatever, trying to be nice and friendly....
read this before here on LET, but think thats a bad practice at all.
while understanding the well-intended proposition on doing this, I think this is not an appropriate counter-measure, because it does harm a lot of others, by simply adding wasted traffic to the world.
you are also abusing services of OVH, which maybe influences their customers in any way.
and, at last, you're like abusing your own provider by having problems on configuring it not boomeraning. ;-)
no offense meant, but would suggest on finding another way dealing with bad requests (fail2ban etc.)
no offense but i think it's more fun to give those w/ bad intent a little bit of bad taste. Any how
if ($http_user_agent = "")
seems to caused the problem, I was trying to prevent empty user agent. I guess wordpress some how use empty user agent for some weirdo reason?@awson do i need to install any extra package on centos?
The LUA module is in nginx-extras