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my website ftp details forgotten -- i hosted it in digitalocean

in Help
my website i hosted with digitalocean, i have forgotten the ftp username and password, please who can help me regain it back, thanks
Digital Ocean support I presume.
If you mean your Ftp login details on an account you set up what ftp server are you using? What authentication system (pam aka linux users, mysql, flat file)? It all depends...
i have been logging in to the site's ftp, but i dont have the username and password off hands, i saved it somewhere, but i formatted my PC without copying it out, so i formatted everything, now i dont know the username and password again, i dont know what to do
Welcome to the LET Helpdesk, how may we help you with your host's services?
plz help my dotvps vm still online, how to make offline?
Don't pay your bill, and magically it'll shut down!
no, it keeps getting extended service for no reason, like wtf it says 2015 now
edit: last invoice due 26/07/2013, vm next due 24/07/2015 (billed annually)
@Nekki, please help me out
If you still have SSH access then login to your VM and reset the FTP password o_O
It sounds like you're using some control panel. What control panel is it?
I read sig, that's why I asked
Edit: your name all over and rest of Internet, who doesn't know
@perennate, can i give you my digitalocean account, you check by yourself, am still a newbie i dont know anything
Of course, but we should also meet these expectations. Hence ....
No, you should open ticket with Digital Ocean then like other people have said.
Contact Digital Ocean support, they'll help you out I'm sure. LET is not a help desk.
@neroux, are you referring to me?
Of course
..... especially the credit card details are important
Alright, on a more serious side ..... here nobody will be able to help you. You need to contact your host at
but i have contacted them, they told me they dont know anything about cpanel
Ah, so you're using cPanel. Contact cPanel support then!
Edit: or google --
Well, we're on let right ? then it should be like this
You're absolutely right! This topic is going to help him a lot!
Shouldnt it be then?
Even better!
Please fill out the following information so we can assist you:
LET Help Desk Ticket Form
Email address:
Email password:
Host You Are Having an Issue With:
Note: To insure our technicians can quickly resolve your issue, please be sure to disable any two-factor authentication.
Once this information is submitted, just sit back and relax. All will be prepared for you.
How come they dont know about what they provide to you?
Or, asked differently, what do they provide?
Why did there's no backup about everything? You don't have any USB Flashdisk? Don't have any cloud storage?
There's a software that can recover file, even if the disk formatted, called File Scavenger.
Since it's Cpanel, do you have the root login for login to the Cpanel? If yes, then you can login to the Cpanel, reset/change the password for the ftp users from there.
Or, if you still forgot the password to Cpanel, you can reset the password to your email.