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OBHosting - Choose or Build your own VPS | 50% Promotion | start with 2,45$ /month – The Best Web Hosting Sellers On The Web
We are proud to announce new budget OpenVZ VPS Packages. Those packages are ideal for your projects, website, gameserver, web hosting company.
With many Upgradable Options such as Bandwidth, Extra IPv4, Operating System etc we are sure you can adjust your vps to your needs.
Use the following code and you will recieve our special offer.
VPSpromo - 50% off your first payment.
Disk Space: 15GB
Guarantee Ram: 256MB
Burstable Ram: 384MB
Bandwidth: 500GB
Dedicated IPs: 1
Virtualization Method: OpenVZ
Monthly Payment : 4.90$
You want to order? Click Here:
You want to learn More? Click Here:
You want to order a custom vps hosting package? Click Here:
..::Upgradable Options::..
Control Panel
cPanel Monthly - 16.00$
Operating System
CentOS 5
CentOS 6
Debian 5
Debian 6
Fedora 15
Suse 11.4
Ubuntu 10.04
Ubuntu 10.10
Ubuntu 11.04
Ubuntu 11.10
Both 32bit and 64bit - More on request!
250GB Extra Bandwidth - 6.50$
500GB Extra Bandwidth - 13.00$
750GB Extra Bandwidth - 19.50$
1000GB Extra Bandwidth - 26.00$
Extra IP Address
1-6 Extra IP's are 2$ per ip address.
More ip's available with valid justification
VPS Managment
Level1 "Fair Usage" - Free
Level2 "Premium Managment" - 20.00$
..::More Informations::..
Payment Method: Paypal
Terms Of Service:
Acceptable User Policy:
Datacenter Location: Orlando, FL
Test Ip:
If you have any questions feel free to request a live chat or send a email. We will be happy to help.
Is there a code I'm missing? How to get 50% promotion? Is it first month or recurring?
@vedran thanks for mentioning it. I just forgot to include the code. I updated the post.
It is for the first month only. and you can find the code in the above post
50% off for first payment and they are only offering monthly payment so It's 50% first month :P