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OpenVZ @OneProvider
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OpenVZ @OneProvider

iWebiWeb Member


I got a dedicated server at OneProvider and got OpenVZ on it. Often one of my extra ip's doesnt get routed, so I can't reach it from external and from internal to external. But, if I going to route the IPs on the dedicated server it works fine, without problems. Most time I can ping the IP but can't reach it.

I got a kvm on Proxmox too on it, and there the IP works fine, without timeouts etc.

The support only answer me at night (because they got another time zone). So I hope for help here.

Nice regards,
Julian, iWeb.


  • wychwych Member

    They on the same subnets?

  • iWebiWeb Member

    For the windows kvm
    and for the OpenVZ one on

    Sometimes it works with the OpenVZ (mostly nights) and often not.

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