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Poll $15/Year VPS
We are thinking of providing $15/Year VPS in the near future.
So here is the question. Which plan would you buy if you where in the market?
openvz 128mb @ $15/year
xen 128mb @ $17/year
We just want to see what the general public thinks. Depending on the outcome of this poll and other factors we will decide what to do on our test run before we add more servers.
BTW we also plan to offer 256 mb ram at double of the price mentioned above. And in advance thanks for your opinion guys!
15 $/year for 128mb with OpenVZ is fine for me. Xen for 17 $ is even better but I have my doubts that the latter can be economically sustainable. For me the RAM is not so important, I mostly would like to have at least 10-15GB space and around 150 GB Bandwidth. Since I don't use MySQL just SQLite I'm more interested in file-I/O speed than CPU-/RAM-Speed.
As long as the specifications are decent all I care about is the uptime and stability of the host. Too many hosts have disappeared in the past
That said, I would most likely get a Xen plan.
openvz, yet the price is nothing special.
I'm interesing if you have about 20-30 GB hd space, because I only want to setup server as 3th backup server.
@kylix The plan which have designed is something to you needs. About 15 GB HDD and 150 GB space.
@kristal the price can not go any lower.
@tommy I am going with it would not matter to you if it is xen or openvz.
Thanks for the opinion guys. More would be nice!
It is if the host can keep their services up at that price. Seeing so many of them fail after a couple of months at that price point....
@drmike Yep all of that is due to poor planing and management and some just lose interest.
Uh, usually it's because they can't afford to run the product for a year? Rented IP space gets costly and you need a decent enough node to make the offerings actually be OK.
It's fun to make $2000 in a single shot but are you going to have the profits to make it work? Something a lot of providers that do the cheapo plans learn is that users will flock to those plans but won't upgrade/buy anything bigger until they've proven themselves.
Do you have access to equipment and half+ of a C to make it worth it? LEB isn't going to list you if you're only putting up 10 or something in some PR stunt
It's an interesting market but it also has put 95% of the companies doing it out of business.
@francisco We have worked out the numbers and everything looks good. We have been around for while and are not going to disappear. We own our equipment and pay yearly for IP and colocation space. So before we offer the services we have all ready paid for a year.
I point out that he's done it a couple of times. We've had a few providers only offer a couple of accounts at their advertised low price level.
I also wonder about turnover. You folks must have a high level of fraud/abuse. I would think you would be reselling the taken back space to new clients and not refunding the money to the folks who you booted.
edit: I know we have very few abusers but we also have a fairly high monthly price point when compared to a godaddy or other cheapo hoster.
We're lucky. Because we do additional levels of fraud checks as well as the stock limits, fraud is very very low for us, we're talking maybe 10 chargebacks in a year. Aldryic does an amazing job of account auditing and the likes so he catches obvious scams before they can even get service.
I know a lot of others that have lost hundreds and hundreds due to chargeback fee's, there's many threads on WHT about it.
At low prices fraud is a an issue ... We manually check everyone details.
I would definitely prefer the "xen 128mb @ $17/year" plan.
Vz or xen is not so necessary.
The specifications and final location is more interesting for me!