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PHP Coder required

Just wanted to offer this paid opportunity to any coders amongst us at LET before we go elsewhere. We need a highly skilled PHP programmer to work on a secret project.
For more info, drop me an email at a.hawkridge[at] or send me a private message.
<?php if $secret = 1; echo "This is NOT secret, whink, whink"; ?>
give me my $5.
inb4 custom VPS control panel
Almost, but not quite.
You getting rid of that horrible SolusVM then ash? Certainly a good step forward
If somebody can help us, we have been looking for a decent coder/developer and none of them have stood up to the task!
I would put my name in, but I doubt you'll want a 17 year old tho (However, i do have 2-3 years of experience)
Sorry but I'm overbooked, more work and I won't have any time for LEB/LET
If it is KVM based we may can work together, we have a full edge coder team with 10y+ expirience
Sent you a PM
Maybe @nickm or @dimecadmium or even @cedric might be able to help? As far as I know they're all old enough to sign an NDA and they're all quite skilled in PHP/Phython/etc.
Thank you, hopefully they can chime in
I would but I am just finishing my University this year so I'm too busy now
@djvdorp I'm in the same spot you are...but I'll be free during the summer :-)
Just to note this would pay a paid job (Hourly) and we could also throw in a years worth of service
Thank you Daniel, look forward to speaking to you! On a side note, when did Naruto strike back?
I would but honestly, I'm just too lazy.
@VMPort (Re: Naruto) Wow...thats odd.
Pretty much all Daniels posts are been thanked by Naruto, what the hell :P
Naruto loves me.
Ah let the guy be, he's actually decent to talk to when he isn't getting trolled hard. I had some pretty nerdy discussions with him last year. Trolling him just gives him reason to troll back and then it just makes things annoying
I hope you're kidding.. he's banned like for two weeks now
Actually, i'll +1 what @Francisco said. I've had a couple of conversations offline with him.
...and there won't be any.
I don't think he's a bad person. Some of his post were hilariously stupid, but some of his points have been well obvious but no one pointed them out and darn straight useful.
You know ideally you should be formatting it like this
Biggest issue I had with him is that he -tried- to be an irritant. A couple jokes here and there are all fine and dandy... but when I start receiving PMs about someone's attraction to pre-op trannys -_-; Yeah, there's a limit to my tolerance.
A fair share of people find you irritating at times too, but then most of this community probably finds me irritating 24/7.
Isn't LowEndTalk just great, everyone just irritates each other.
forgot about the if () thing, but I dont need the {} if it is just 1 sentence :P
I know but everyone loves curly brackets, and it makes it so much easier to read.
Well, we derailed the thread, again
in other words, I've sent you an email @VMPort