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San Diego datatcenters anyone?
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San Diego datatcenters anyone?

randomguy55randomguy55 Member
edited April 2012 in General

Anyone here from sandiego and know a good datacener.

I currently have servers coloed in pNAP, but I want somthing a bit closer to home. I hate shipping things overthere too.

Also, I have a question about the actual datacenter, do you actually get to setup the server yourself if you buy a private rack?



  • Check out

    It looks like American Internet Services has a data center in San Diego.

  • flyfly Member
    edited April 2012

    ais is VERY strong.


    someone look familiar? LOL

  • @kbar said: ais is VERY strong.

    Whats that supposed to mean?

  • @kbar said: ais is VERY strong.

    m5 doesn't do colo (it redirects to their dedi page).

    I have a VPS with Amerinoc, who colo at AIS in San Diego. Great connectivity. LMK if you need any traceroutes/speedtests/etc.

  • A quick WHT search for offers with pricing shows only these guys (in an AIS DC):

  • flyfly Member

    ew managed :(

  • @kbar said: btw



    someone look familiar? LOL

    Ya that guy quite popular :-/
    I've seen him somewhere, not in quickweb & americanis, but somewhere.. damn I forgot

  • Looking at scalematrix atm

  • laaevlaaev Member

    @NanoG6 said: I've seen him somewhere, not in quickweb & americanis, but somewhere.. damn I forgot


  • These guys are in san diego as well

  • NanoG6NanoG6 Member
    edited April 2012

    @FTN_Kevin said: Santrex?

    No.. But something big like liquid or linode.. Right in the front page.

  • laaevlaaev Member
    edited April 2012

    Back on subject... Los Angeles is roughly 1.5-2 hours away from San Diego, so you may want to consider using a Los Angeles datacenter, which will open up many more choices for you. You shouldn't experience much of a difference in terms of latency from San Diego vs. Los Angeles.

    We have a full cab with QuadraNet in Los Angeles (530 W, Telecom Center) and the service is great. Would highly recommend them to anyone.

  • @FTN_Kevin said: so you may want to consider using a Los Angeles datacenter, which will open up many more choices for you.

    Excellent advice. Lots of LA colo offers in WHT, starting from $50/month for 1U/1A/10+ Mbits worth of BW.

  • I have a car that litterally overheats if I drive over 15 miles.

  • @bijan588 said: I have a car that litterally overheats

    What does a metaphorically overheating car do? :P

  • laaevlaaev Member

    @bijan588 said: I have a car that litterally overheats if I drive over 15 miles.

    Take a bus?

  • laaevlaaev Member

    @quirkyquark said: What does a metaphorically overheating car do? :P

    I think he wants to setup and install the server, etc physically at the datacenter, and he is residing in San Diego?

  • quirkyquarkquirkyquark Member
    edited April 2012

    @FTN_Kevin said: I think he wants to setup and install the server, etc physically at the datacenter, and he is residing in San Diego?

    Thanks, I missed that bit in my attempt at humor.

    @bijan588 -- rent one?

    @FTN_Kevin said: Take a bus?

    I dunno about buses, but Amtrak to LA Union Station and LA Metro from there is an extremely doable option, especially since most DCs seem to be in downtown LA. You can have the hardware shipped direct to the DC if you'd rather not lug it up and down and around public transport.

  • Also, how does this actual colocation work.

    I just shipped it all too pnap and they set it up.

    If I buy a 1/2 rack will I get to physicly set it all up.

    @FTN_Kevin said: Take a bus?

    Nb4 stolen

  • laaevlaaev Member
    edited April 2012

    @bijan588 said: I just shipped it all too pnap and they set it up. If I buy a 1/2 rack will I get to physicly set it all up.

    Some datacenter's offer free initial racking + OS install, QuadraNet does this at no cost for us, however sometimes Ethan (our tech) goes in and racks/installs it himself.

    If the datacenter doesn't offer free initial racking/OS install you can pay for remote hands service.

    @bijan588 said: Nb4 stolen

    99% of the people in a bus don't know what a server is... ;)

    But you can ship the server to the datacenter directly, then go in and rack/setup yourself.

  • Still waiting on the quotes

  • Scalematrix gave me a quote on a rack 999.99

    Ima call and make sure this includes it's and such

  • Ips* on my phone so I can't edit

  • laaevlaaev Member

    $999/m for a half cab? How much bandwidth?

  • Full cab, brosef.

    Its on the 99.5 percentile at 10mbps

  • @FTN_Kevin said: Some datacenter's offer free initial racking + OS install, QuadraNet does this at no cost for us

    hmm, after my free initial month, they charge me $25 to rack a server

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