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AppFog - Reducing size of free plans and stopping new free accounts
They are reducing from 2GB RAM to 512MB RAM
They will stop all instances on Feb 19, and if you dont login before March 5 ( 14 days) they will suspend and delete your free account forever
It wont be possible to create new free accounts anymore after Feb 19. ( Act fast if this matters to you !!! )
THIS EMAIL CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION AND ACTION Next Wednesday, February 19, we are reducing the size of our free account plans. As a free account owner, this will impact you. Our overriding goal is to provide a stable, reliable, and incredibly easy-to-use PaaS for all of our customers. Over the past few months, a subset of free users have engaged in abusive actions that has negatively affected the stability and uptime for all users. We have taken numerous steps and dedicated resources toward addressing abuse, but have come to the realization that larger changes are needed to bring AppFog back to the level of reliability our customers have every right to expect. We want all developers to have an opportunity to try our service. We also need to maintain a level of control over the reliability experienced by our paying customers. This is going to result in several changes to AppFog’s systems and plans. Our goal is to make these changes as minimal as possible while still improving the experience for everyone. To reach these goals, we are making the following changes: New customers will no longer have the option to sign up for a free plan. We will offer a trial starting very soon. Existing users of our free plan will see a modified free plan, with a smaller set of resources available for your use. 512MB RAM (previously 2GB RAM) 2 app instances (previously limited by available memory) 2 services instances (previously 8 services instances) ACTION REQUIRED A rolling 4-hour maintenance window will begin at 6pm US Pacific Time (UTC-08:00) on Wednesday, February 19. All applications will be stopped and unavailable during the maintenance window. You should notify your users of this maintenance period when applications will be down. Each infrastructure will come down to begin a 4-hour maintenance period at the following US Pacific times (with each datacenter’s local time in parentheses): AWS-AP - 1pm Wed, Feb 19 US Pacific (5am Thurs, Feb 20 SGT/GMT+8) AWS-EU - 3pm Wed, Feb 19 US Pacific (11pm Wed, Feb 19 GMT) AWS-US - 6pm Wed, Feb 19 US Pacific (9pm Wed, Feb 19 US ET/GMT-5) HP-US - 10pm Wed, Feb 19 US Pacific (11pm Wed, Feb 19 US MT/GMT-7) ALL FREE PLAN CUSTOMERS WILL NEED TO RESTART THEIR APPLICATIONS You will need to login to your AppFog account and restart your applications after the maintenance is complete. We will post regular maintenance updates to the Twitter account @appfogstatus and on the page. IMPORTANT: WE WILL ALSO BE REMOVING INACTIVE ACCOUNTS You must login within 14 days (by Wed. March 5). After this date, inactive accounts not logged into will suspended and the account owner notified. Suspended accounts with no activity (login) after 30 days (by Fri. Mar 19) will be deleted. As a Free Account Owner affected by these changes, you have two options: Upgrade to a paid account before the restart. Running apps in paid accounts will be automatically restarted. Continue with your free plan account; all apps in free plans will remain stopped until you restart them. Restart as many as you want, as long as you stay below the new thresholds outlined above (512MB, 2 app instances, 2 service instances). If you have been consuming more than these resource limits, we hope you will consider upgrading to one of our subscription plans. Thank you for being an AppFog user and customer. We appreciate our developers and know that this maintenance could be disruptive for many of our users. These changes are critical and intended to enable us to focus our resources on the goal of stability and uptime for all of our customers moving forward. Sincerely, The AppFog Team
Finally. I hope with less load their service will become more stable. Its horribly buggy right now.
Maybe try OpenShift, 3 small gears(512M) for free.